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Participantwas outstanding. I don’t know anything about classical music, but love listening to it. Maybe because of that lack of knowledge, I didn’t get the Mark and Chelsea dance at all. It was great choreography for sure; but, it lost me in the interpretation. My favorite is still Hines who I thought performed superbly. Ralph gives a completely different presentation with his body and is also a fabulous performer. The wrestler has really surprised me with his ability too. I think the one to go home tonight is Kendra. She really was afraid to loosen up and let Louie bring her through the dance. We’ll see what happens tonight. Overall, the songs, orchestra and performances were a thoroughly beautiful evening of entertainment!
Participantfather was. I do remember there being all this hype and build up to who he was and that the great reveal was to come at some point; but, I don’t recall that we were ever told before she left town.
Participantnever got that irritated with her. Now, the Melanie character and the actress that portrays her, is a different story. She’s not my cup of tea at all.
Participantof all the actors out there looking for jobs and auditioning that he’s the best they could come up with?! He really is not a good actor with the way he delivers his lines and his stiff movements. I’m hoping that he gets replaced like they did the one female actress who played Bell for about five minutes several years ago.
Participanthave her say she was going to live with her parents or something. Is Nathan’s character gone now too? I know they did talk recently about the job at Johns Hopkins still being available, but I can’t remember if his last conversation with Maggie was him saying goodbye.
Participanton the show "The Middle". He interacted with the character Brick several times during the show.
Participantwinning. He’s been around since the beginning and it’s his turn to have a dancing chance!
Participantduring her conversation with Brady at the Cheatin’ Heart. It seemed like she wasn’t able to bring her screeching down when she got agitated. It was like she lost her breath or something and she tried to stop it, but it sort of got away from her. I almost thought she was going to start choking or stop breathing. I truly do not enjoy watching this actress.
Participantis so equal. Yes, some do a bit better than others; but, no one is a runaway winner. Being a huge Steelers fan, I’m rooting for Hines. I’m very happy that he has proven to be quite fluid on the dance floor. If the Steeler Nation is on board watching, he could be hard to beat with all the votes we would be sending in. At least it wouldn’t be like last year where the dancer was getting a large number of votes without the ability to warrant them. Just my opinion.
Participantopinions here, I kept thinking of how many students I got to know when I worked on campus who are gay, lesbian, bi-sexual or transexual and enjoyed working them and knowing them. However, under no circumstances am I interested in seeing intimate relations between two females or males portrayed on TV. I saw just that scene on "Glee" a couple of weeks ago between two male characters and didn’t like it one bit. No way am I homophobic in any sense of the word! I like your analogy about posing nude. It is totally wrong for someone to label us as homophobic just because we disagree with their point of view.
ParticipantRafe2 had sex for the first time and the viewer numbers took a nosedive? Obviously, they have not returned and have no intention of doing so unless TPTB do something to bring them back. I’m not seeing it yet….may never. I do FF’d with Melanie and anyone, Dan and Jennifer, and EJ and Taylor.
Participantand I enjoyed the laughs I got. I almost expected EJ to flap his wrist at Rafe2 and say, "just stop that!" in his effeminate manner.
Participanton a radio show in LA. I would think he was there to support him.
Participantenjoyable this year because the competition is more evenly matched. I saw lots of improvement in Wendy and the radio guy; but, I do agree that Wendy will probably be the first to go. Kirstie has always been a real favorite actress of mine from her days on "Cheers" to her "Fat Actress" reality show. Her outspokenness has always been very refreshing as you never know what’s going to come out of her mouth! She and Hines Ward are my favorites with Ralph Macchio in there too.