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ParticipantThe Brady Pub. I left a comment there regarding my thoughts on Wynona and D.L. and the show in general this year.
Participantbefore D.L. However, after watching Monday’s performances again and comparing the two, I have to say that at least D.L. was able to move his body more than Wynona was able to. Not that there was that much difference, but D.L. did do more actual whole-body dancing than Wynona. I’m very much a fan of Wynona and voted for her since the beginning and wanted so much for her to go further, but it just wasn’t what the judges and voters wanted.
I’m wondering about the fact that we’re now back from last year’s all-star show where everyone had their past dancing experience with them and now onto the original premise of the the show of no experience that the viewers are actually going to vote more for someone’s ability instead of their popularity. I would be happy to see that.
ParticipantAnnex Board that gives away what’s going to happen. If anyone knows, they aren’t saying.
Participantdidn’t end with the crucifixion. It reminded us of the struggles that the apostles/disciples endured long after Jesus had left the earth. I had forgotten about the fates of so many of them and was glad the movie continued on.
Participantvery well done. In my mind, the violence was necessary to the story because that’s what happened in the time of Christ. This was not your typical Hollywood bible history story come to life. I think it helps us to understand the way of life in the Middle East that started centuries ago. It’s not that different from what is still happening now in the name of religion. That’s one of the reasons why I can’t understand how the US politicians think we can go in there and change what has been and will probably continue to be traditions that are totally out of our control. I did look away often due to the brutality, but that’s part of the reality of what transpired.
I also watched some of "The Passion of the Christ" that was broadcast on one of our local Christian TV stations. Mel Gibson depicted the last 12 hours of Christ’s life on earth even a bit more brutal than "The Bible". Watching both of these films was gut-wrenching and just held me spellbound…and the tears flowed thinking that human beings can do that to another human being.
Sorry…didn’t mean to ramble. As you can read, it was very emotional for me.
Participant"her cheese should have slid completely off her cracker"….too funny!!!
Participantis that the last day she will be on the air? I sure hope it’s her last day for us to see her on the air!
Participantwhat she has been doing for the last several months. She’ll get all guilt-stricken and tell Daniel that "this just isn’t going to work" and he’ll be shocked after the roll in the hay they had at the cabin. He’ll furrow his brow and wonder what is going on and, of course, Jenn won’t say one word about her conversation with Chloe. He’ll try to talk to her and she won’t let him get a word in edge-wise…Yada, Yada,Yada! These writers need a creative writing course!
Yes, John Aniston did look a bit pale.
Vargas is going by his last name. He told Eric his full name when he was getting ready to be released from prison; but, said he’s just known as Vargas.
ParticipantEmmit Smith or Heinz Ward would help!
Participantis the way he committed his dispicable acts against Sami. When he raped her in order for her to save Lucas’ life, he was calculating in his actions and put her in a situation that was absolutely horrible for her no matter whether she tried to fight him off or not. He was also doing his Daddy’s bidding by impregnating a Brady…something about that ridiculous vendetta. Then, when it came to her and Rafe, he went about it in the same calculating manner again doing Daddy’s bidding knowing full well that Sami would have sex with someone who was not her husband. The scenes of EJ and Stefano laughing about the sexual abuse they were perpatrating on an unknowing Sami was more than I could stand. There are so many characters in Salem who have committed actions that they should be made accountable for, but I just can’t get past the evilness that embodies Stefano and EJ. I would also put Kate in that evil category as well for many of her physically hurtful acts.
Participantregarding Jacoby. I will say that last night on elimination night, he seemed a bit more quiet…less vocal. I found it easier to watch him as well as listen to what he had to say. No doubt he’s the best male dancer on the show, but I hope the others step up to the plate and give him some competition.
ParticipantAlso, how did Brady get the plaque back from John without wondering how John got it? If you recall, Kristen took it from the coffee table at the mansion when Brady left it there after he showed it to her. She picked it up and went directly to find John to tell him his little acts of kindness were not going to work. She left it on the table in front of John at the Horton Square and walked away. Today, Brady waltzes in and shows it to Marlena…huh? How did it get back to Brady????