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Participantthat whoever the bad guy/gal is, if they are not being written out of the show, there has to be a way to keep them there. I guess the nastiness has just gotten so out of control, especially with using of the children, that I’m having a hard time watching.
ParticipantEJ and Nicole will get married or will he be attracted to Taylor and postpone the wedding?
Participantcharacter a very short-lived and very mild type of payback with a very quick recovery. With regard to Nicole kidnapping his daughter and the shooting in the head, he bounced back in a very short period of time and came up dishing out much more pain and suffering to the other person(s) than he suffered. Maybe I’m not expressing my feelings very well in words. I guess this is also how they have always treated Stephano too. Both of them just never seem to be written experiencing as much hurt as they inflict on other characters. I’m wondering how they’ll write EJ and Stephano getting away with this kidnapping and "cloning" of Rafe when Rafe is experiencing it firsthand. I’m just so sure that they will walk away AGAIN with some ridiculous explanation that willl make Rafe look like a doofus and they will be believed and Rafe will be dismissed.
ParticipantEJ’s rape of Sami in the car to save Lucas. I’m in total disgust of these writers regarding sadistic EJ. Since he’s become a character on this show, I can’t remember one time where he’s gotten a payback that is anywhere close to what he’s dished out. Oh yes, he’s had his few seconds of setback on a couple of occasions; but, the writers give no fairness to the viewers in making sure that the evil is triumphed over equally to the amount that was inflicted. That’s what always attracts me to a story. However, when all I see is an evil person pouring more and more evil into his actions against someone and there being no "turnabout is fairplay", I can’t be interested in continuing to read or watch. If they continue this storyline too long, I do believe more viewers will stop watching. JMHO
Participantwas as expressive as seeing his face would have been!
Participantrecall for sure if it was the magazine or his company name. It seems that it was a tricky little title that included Black, but I can’t recall what it was.
Participantmissed a show yet. However, I don’t recall seeing Michael. Maybe he’s changed in looks over the years. I’ll have to watch more closely next week.
Participantdoes not mean you are safe enough to leave doors unlocked. I’ve lived in the very rural area all my life and still do and the crime rate in those areas has skyrocketed! I lock my doors even if I’m out mowing the lawn! I also have my cell phone in my pocket at all times no matter where I am on our farm…in the yard or in the field. It only takes a second for something unexpected to happen…I know because it has happened to us. Please be safe, everyone!
ParticipantChloe. They just are treating it properly.
Participantpossibility that Rafe’s accident may cause him to have memory lapses. At least I think I recall the doctor’s telling Sami that there may be times when he won’t remember some things.
Participantdropping the chain down the bed support. He has to leave behind some evidence that proves that the DeMeras held him captive. I’m so hoping that this does not go on too long, but I’m not holding my breath.
Participanttalk. I thought it was at first, but I rewound the recording and looked a couple of times to confirm that it was not the same person.
Participantbig "reveal" while under the drug that was something other than where Hope was hiding out. Did I miss something? I sure didn’t hear him say anything or am I jumping the gun and it’s still to come?
Participantthere will be no Phillip. In the past, they have kept the character with a new actor. That could still happen this time too.