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ParticipantI was sorry to see that we are on the opposite when it comes to the Steelers and Ravens. When those two play, it is so agressive that it hurts to watch them play. But, it’s always a good game. The Rooney patriarch, Art Sr., is who drew me to the Steelers back in 1970 when I read a story about him. So, I’ve followed them through thick and thin in the winning years and the losing years!
Participantbrother a reminder about his attitude. I loved how she was the consumate sister in the way she reminded him. I was also glad she did it in front of Sami.
Participanthe needed to up his attitude. I liked her demeanor and she did it in front of Sami. You can also see that he’s starting to resent Rafe’s relationship with Johnny. That look in EJ’s eyes isn’t a good look.
Participantat all. Is he someone else who left one day and never returned?
Participantshow, I’m wondering if there will be two eyes transplanted for little Johnny.
Participanttime ago that had Kate interpreting Chad’s actions toward her as being romatically inclined. I’m a little foggy on how Chad reacted, but I seem to remember that he was a little taken aback by her interpretation. Does anyone else remember any of that?
Participantat Cornell and then played for a few NFL teams playing in two Super Bowls with the Minnesota Vikings. I also recall him playing this role as Bo’s buddy back when he originally showed up sometime back in the 80’s I think.
Participantin various spoilers about a Rafe clone, I will be very disturbed with what Ken Corday is allowing to happen. And, Patti, did you mean Head Writer when you wrote HR?
ParticipantI’m hoping is that the writers continue writing her like this. It is so much more enjoyable to watch her be calculating and devious than ranting and raving like a lunatic.
Participantconfirmed his dismay of having lost control over Sami. I was soooo glad to see Rafe pull her away before she went totally ballistic! Go Rafe!!
Participantit did take some effort not to surf to that channel.
Participantlooking style. For some time now, it’s looked very flat and unflattering. It almost looks like she’s using extensions.
Participantoutspoken, tell it like it is, fun loving females!
Participantit was quite obvious that EJ was at a loss as to how Sami could ever resist him. His inflated opinion of himself is what drove him to conquer her resistance. I cringe when I think back to how many years this disgusting connection has been going on.
Participanta new year always seems to offer so much hope for better days than the year before. That’s my wish for each of us!