Forum Replies Created
Participant1. Rafe (I like his "steady as you go" demeanor)
2. Brady (He always has a plan of some sort)
3. Phillip (Realizes when he’s screwed up)
4. EJ (This should be a -4 because this character is dispicable!)
Participantannoys me is that he doesn’t annunciate at all! I usually have closed captioning on when he’s speaking because I can’t understand most of what he says! I also notice this when Sarah Ferguson speaks as well. It’s like they are not opening their mouth enough to pronouce the words coming out of it!
Participantwhere she ranted and raved and he just let her run out of steam. Then he made a couple of calm comments which got her on track with understanding what a mess she made of things. I really like Rafe!
Participantbecause???? (she says with huge sarcasm!) I would love it if they untied the ties between Sami and EJ!
Participantthe Christmas ornaments being hung. At least they could have taken a few minutes to scan the entire tree with the camera in lieu of so few of the family being there. At least the viewers could have tapped into our memories of each of the characters who were not there. And then, no reading of the Christmas Story at the hospital…shame on the writers!
Participantfor a possible cure for Kate and it worked…I say this with tongue in cheek! At the time, I also remember many of us questioning Chloe’s ability to offer bone marrow because she also had cancer at one time. That was the "miracle treatment" that Kate had.
Participantwatched a preview, but I got the impression from Friday’s show that it will be done on Monday.
Participantthat would have been a very pivotal point for the story, but the writers just dropped it. I’d still love for that info to come out at some point to give Brady a reality check on Nicole.
ParticipantMerry Christmas to you too!
Participantyesterday’s show. I was wondering if you’d post again after you watched yesterday’s show. Sure enough, you did me proud with your second one! I always look forward to your thoughts because they mirror mine so closely and you express them so eloquently!
Participantwritten her very differently since she first returned to Salem. They’ve tried to make the viewer sympathetic toward her by trying to make us forget how she barged into Bo’s and Hope’s life when she first returned. Many of us have not forgotten and can’t be duped that easily. She’s getting a well-deserved payback in my opinion.
Participant"Deep Throat" with another married couple. We two wives sat next to each other and the side comments we were making during the movie had the crowd around us laughing hysterically! They complimented us as we all were walking out of the theater after it ended saying how much more they enjoyed the movie with our "play by play". We’re still very good friends with this couple and continue to get a good laugh about it whenever we bring it up.
Participantof many abbreviations that are used so often in e-communications. Thanks!
Participantright there in Stefano’s living room with Mary and Sidney in the house! I had to laugh at how absurd this writing is. Anyone could walk in at any moment, including EJ! I guess "Days" can’t afford a set to show the guest house on the Dimera compound.