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  • in reply to: Nicole? #17761

    restraining order, I was jumping for joy.  But, of course, that would have made too much sense and would have been something the viewers wanted to happen…so it didn’t. 

    in reply to: EJ #17627

    of EJ at all.   As for the actor,  James Scott usually nails the personality of EJ, but lately he’s a bit over the top…just my opinion.  I also usually have to turn the closed captioning on to understand what he says because he talks so fast and doesn’t ennunciate well.  It makes it very difficult to understand what he’s saying.  I notice that a lot with British accents…at least that’s how it is for me.

    in reply to: More DWTS #17625

    have happened.  Bristol is still there and Rick Fox went home!  Totally ridiculous!  Wrong!  Wrong!  Wrong!

    in reply to: Kate’s blue streak #17592

    everyday to see what kind of new thing she’s done to her hair.  The blue streak was fun because when I first saw it, I wasn’t sure I was really seeing it.  Then, when she changes her hair style, the streak changes its location.  Sometimes she has to shake her head to be able to see it clearly. 

    in reply to: Just wonder who else here is single and lives alone? #17591

    so very little ever goes to waste.  Any fresh veggies that are getting close to being too old and I know we aren’t going to eat, I take outside to a place on our farm where the wild critters will devour them.  There’s this rabbit that’s been around so long that it lets me get close before it hops away.  In fact, when I mow lawn it’s comical to watch because it will come bounding out of our tree line as I approach and will wait til the last minute to hop back into the trees and watch me drive by.  Every spring I have to watch very carefully as I mow because there are usually two or three rabbit holes in the yard where the babies are growing.  Sorry, I sort of got of topic. :-)

    in reply to: Allison Sweeny on Iron Chef America! #17444

    Tom!  I thought he should have won the competition, but Arti did.  I’m not fond of her show nor Melissa D’Arabia who won last year.  They don’t seem to be personal enough on their shows.   They seem to play to the camera and not the audience who is out there watching them.  But that’s just my opinion.

    in reply to: More DWTS #17407

    really is a shame that talent is so totally ignored for popularity.  Yes, Bristol did better on Monday, but her overall performance has been under par where Audrina has done exceptionally well when compared to Bristol.  But, I should know by now that talent is secondary.  Oh well.

    in reply to: Book on CD recommendation?? #17325

    finished "Smash Cut", a murder-mystery type book.  Most of her books over the last few years are like that.  In her early career, she was mostly romance novels.  She’s cultivated a fabulous talent for keeping you glued to the story.

    in reply to: DWTS #17221

    laps that they couldn’t have been happier about.  I would have loved to see the looks on their faces when the voting was done and Bristol ended up being safe and Florence going home.  They couldn’t have written a more "ah ha" moment.  It was a shock all around!  I wonder if a lot of the votes going to Bristol are politically motivated as an indirect support to her mother.  It’s another form of popularity and we’ve all seen stars kept on the show far beyond their ability to dance.  I was very sorry to see Florence go before Bristol.

    in reply to: Once again – Victor has line of the day on ‘Days’! #17174

    must have stuck him in a closet somewhere.

    in reply to: Ariana again! #17173

    for a long time.  The night that Kate called Sami to say that EJ was planning on taking the kids, those kids were safely tucked away at The Pub.  How was he going to barge in there and take them?  Carolyn would have had Bo and Roman on his butt in a heart beat.  And if Sami was so concerned about her kids, what was she doing rolling around in Rafe’s bed at Rafe’s place!?  She should have been with her kids!

    in reply to: Once again – Victor has line of the day on ‘Days’! #17170

    listening carefully so I don’t miss anything he says!

    in reply to: Another Ugly Wedding Dress #17169

    episodes, it might be that Frances had just passed away and that’s why they are wearing so much purple.

    in reply to: Anybody watch Sister Wives? #17168

    the "husband" was disgusting.  Narcissist…most definitely!  As far as I could tell, it sounded like he may only be legally married to the first wife.  Clips from the show made it look like they did some kind of private ceremony at home when he "married" the other three women.  Not my cup of tea as far as being entertaining to watch.

    in reply to: DWTS #17167

    will go home tonight with odds of 30-1.  Bristols odds are 28-1.  I’m hoping it’s Bristol because I really enjoy watching Kyle!

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