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  • in reply to: 53tdogs #17166

    big as a house from eating all that food on "Man v. Food"!  It’s a hoot watching him eat!  One of my other favorites is "Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives" with Guy Fieri.  I just love seeing the behind the scenes in the kitchens!

    in reply to: EJ’s shaved head #17086

    At times, she stands there blinking her eyes trying to move her hair out of the way!

    in reply to: Ariana What the Hell? #17085

    15 minutes to get one sentence out!  I’m glad they are writing the character out of the story.

    in reply to: Prayer Request #17082

    bought of cancer that started with colon cancer four years ago, so I know exactly what they are dealing with.  They truly have my sincere hope for a full recovery.

    in reply to: Some assorted stuff… #16968

    but, do you think the writers are that smart?  I sure hope so.

    in reply to: I’m so shocked! #16967

    dueling smirkers!

    in reply to: I’m so shocked! #16953

    EJ has been smirking through his entire time on Days, so he’s just getting a little payback.  I do agree that this will just fuel EJ’s fire and that should make for a great story line…IF the writers do it right.  I’m not holding my breath.

    in reply to: DWTS #16952

    the performers.  I’m watching, but don’t have a particular favorite star.  What I really hope for is that Tony Davolani wins with his partner because Tony has never won before and he’s been on every season as far as I can remember.  So, I’m rooting for a pro dancer instead of a star.  He and Jonathon have always been my favorite pro dancers, but Jonathon isn’t competing this year.  I also noticed that Edyta isn’t on this year either. 

    in reply to: I’m so shocked! #16930


    in reply to: DWTS #16904

    really hoping that The Situation leaves this week.  I’m not a fan of his personality at all.  Bristol seems to be loosening up a little bit  each week, but will have to make a pretty big leap very soon to keep up with the top scorers.

    in reply to: Holy boobies batman! #16869

    keeping his eyes on her face.

    in reply to: Does anyone know who the daddy is, yet? #16866

    writers have not once mentioned that Philip was also feeling duped by his love, Melanie, just like Chloe was with Daniel.  Why is this all Chloe’s fault?  I almost shouted at the TV the other day when Melanie was yelling at Chloe for cheating on Lucas.  Good grief!  Her dad was part of that cheating too, but that’s never mentioned!

    in reply to: I’ve been ff’ing a lot #16797

    the Days Ahead boards, I would have been surprised.  There wasn’t any explanation why they replaced the other actress.  In the old days on soaps, there would be a voice that would say that "so-and-so" is now playing the character of "so-and-so".  Nowadays, that’s not done and we are just sort of left wondering what happened.

    in reply to: DWTS – Max #16796

    addressed his inappropriate teaching techniques, which also surprised me.  I’ve never thought too highly of Brandy since that auto accident that she caused a few years ago where there was tragic results and she was pretty cavaliear about it.  If I recall correctly, it was quite awhile afterwards that she was held responsible; but, of course, being a celebrity, she got off much more lightly than a non-celebrity citizen.  It was her attitude that disturbed me and I’ve seen the same so far this season on DWTS.

    Overall, I’m not impressed with this season’s dancers.  They keep saying that it’s the best season so far, however I would very much disagree with them.  I’m not sure who I think should go tonight because there are a few that are pretty equal in their inability.  If I had to choose, I think I’d send The Situation home.

    With Michael Bolton singing tonight, I wonder if there will be any reference to his altercation with Bruno.  It seemed to be ignored in a direct manner last night.

    in reply to: Only watched Friday’s show #16776

    and over again until November sweeps.  As much as I hate to say it, but I do believe that this is what will happen.

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