Forum Replies Created
Participantalong watching the stories and all of a sudden I’m rewinding because I can’t believe what I heard or saw. It’s very much is like something jumping out in front of you on the road and you swerve from the surprise. You’re thinking, "What da hell!?"
Participantso often expected to just swallow whatever the writers create.
Participantincredible artists!
Participantrecall the story showing Mel and Phil doing much house hunting. They talked about it a couple of times here and there; but, it was all of a sudden they start making calls and looking in depth on the internet and then they say that all of the houses they’ve shown interest in are now bought by someone else. And how did they jump to the immediate conclusion that Vic was buying them out from under them?! There was no real lead up to this and no need for it to happen in the first place!
Participantlove to see it!
Participantlaid there after hearing my ankle crunch as I hit the ground. I did the same as you with the RICE procedure. I’m 60+ and know that we don’t heal as easily as we used to, so I’m praying for you!
Participantthey were born as twins with two different fathers? I’m confused by what you said. Am I remembering incorrectly?
Participantabout the group having voted off the best leader they’ll ever see. I agree that they made a huge tactical error in removing a proven strategist and motivator.
Participantthe daily episode, I actually cringe when the character of EJ comes on the screen. I wish they would have killed him off too. I think it goes back to the writers letting all of the "bad guys" get away with whatever they want to do. I’ve never liked his arrogant, condescending attitude along with that swagger that says, "I’ll get whatever I want in whatever manner I plan to get it." He’s the current "teflon don".
September 28, 2010 at 4:31 pm in reply to: DWTS Results tonight was the shock that they said it was going to be….. #16592luckey
ParticipantBergeron was stunned and even asked Bruno, "Do we have a three?!" He didn’t even know they had a number three paddle. Bolton was not good at all and very arrogant with his partner in the practice video they showed. I was very happy to see how much Margaret Cho improved. What I didn’t like was the scores the judges gave to Bristol. In my opinion, Margaret was better than Bristol; but, they scored Bristol higher. Len gave her a totally undeserved 8 and I have to think he was playing to Sarah Palin, who was in the audience. I hope that’s the only time Sarah is there because the camera kept panning to her and I thought that it just took away from Bristol herself and the other competitors…just my opinion. I really like Kurt Warner too and the young guy, Kyle. The Situtation can go home with Michael…as soon as possible! Everyone else did quite well and it was fun to watch them.
Participantevery week.
September 22, 2010 at 11:35 pm in reply to: DWTS Results tonight was the shock that they said it was going to be….. #16494luckey
Participantfirst heard of Margaret Cho a number of years ago and did not enjoy her comedy routine. I only watched her once and that was enough for me. I didn’t even know she was still around! The Situation and his cronies from "Jersey Shore" really do make me ill when I see them on any of the talk shows. When Regis and Kelly had them on and when they were on Rachael Ray, I turnd them off. At least we had the satisfaction of Len and Bruno giving him a little dressing down that first night. He did seem to be a little more humble Tuesday evening…but he’s got a long way to go in my book.
September 22, 2010 at 1:40 pm in reply to: DWTS Results tonight was the shock that they said it was going to be….. #16479luckey
Participantwith 12 couples. If I recall correctly, a couple of years ago they tried 16 couples, but that was way too many and I think they sent more than one home at some point in the season. They’ve gone back to 12 and I think that works much better.
Participantmy Mom. She says her rosary every day and seems to have direct connection to God when she has a special intention. Right now my sister is dealing with her fourth round of cancer, so we’re ramping up the prayers that have been ongoing since she was first diagnosed four years ago. I do believe that’s what has gotten her this far. So, as I pray for everyone on this board who is in need, it would be greatly appreciated if you would add my sister to your list. I do believe God will get us through whatever we encounter.