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  • in reply to: No more Mr. Nice Guy for Rafe. #15582

    there is so much criticism of Rafe for playing Nicole.  He didn’t have sex with her, so what’s the big deal?  He just used a page out of her own playbook in my opinion.  Compared to the horrendous stunts that she’s pulled to hurt others, this is nothing.  I realize that her awful childhood  was not her fault; but she’s an adult now and knows the difference between right and wrong, so I’m applauding Rafe!


    sitting in a corner can be time well spent.  :-)


    It was weird to have a post out there and no one responded at all.  So, I’ll ask again if anyone watche "The Batchelor Pad" last week?

    in reply to: tomorrow’s show #15389

    policeman in the office on his payroll.  They had a scene with EJ on the phone with him while Abe was in talking to Hope. 

    in reply to: Oh MY! #15330

    something about EJ impregnating two women at the same time.  EJ did acknowledge it somewhat with a deer-in-the-headlights look and some quick response.  Then when EJ had Baker by the shirt with Sami standing there, he said something to EJ about telling Sami the whole story or them keeping their deal.  I expected Sami to pick up on that immediately and want to know about the deal…but the writers just passed it right by.

    And that deal to not implicate Nicole…does EJ want that because he’s afraid that she’ll spill the beans on his kidnapping of Sydney?

    in reply to: What are they doing to Brady? #15202

    and could not watch any of it. 

    in reply to: Carly’s new Doo #15192

    eyes!  It gets very irritating to watch an actress keep blinking her eyes to get the hair out of them while she’s doing a scene. 


    not understand why viewers are disgusted with the script!?  The majority of the show centered around Daniel talking to a curtain behind which is a "deer in the headlights" Chloe…over and over and over again!  Yesterday’s episode was so well written and acted that I thought I was watching a different show.  Today….forget it!

    in reply to: What do you think of Sami’s dress/outfit? #15149

    Sami in that outfit, I’ve seen similar outfits on women on various TV shows.  All of them were worn by younger females, mostly in their late teens or early twenties.  For me, it was cute, but too young for her.

    in reply to: A couple of thoughts #15134

    to be redeemed.  He’s just reaping what he’s sown.  The DiMera family has always gotten away with their dastardly deeds and I, for one, want to see some pay back.  I’m sure the pay back will not be anything punishable by law, but having Sami get ferociously angry with him will make my heart happy.  No offense to EJ’s fans, but let’s see him get a little of what he’s so arrogantly dished out.


    to think about and watch to see if it happens. 

    in reply to: New Shows #15115

    it dawned on me that her character’s name was Barbara on the show she was in during the 70’s with Mackenzie Phillips.  I’m obviously getting my fact and fiction mixed up!  :-)

    in reply to: New Shows #15109

    I like how they have all four characters as the focus at one time or another on each episode and it all meshes together incredibly well!  The dialogue gets pretty adult with a lot of hilarious sexual inuendo!   The show that Wendy Malik was on  was entitled, "Just Shoot Me" with Laura Giancommo.  Jane Leeves was on "Frasier" and the Jenny Craig spokesperson is Barbara Bertinali.  Not sure on any of those name spellings.  They even get some of the older actors from former shows on like Tim Conway and Carl Reiner.  What a hoot!

    in reply to: Bachelorette – who will Ali choose? #15105

    was.  But, it still took me by surprise do some degree. She seemed to me to be one of very few bachelorettes who was always very aware of how easily she could hurt someone being that she had been on the receiving end herself.  She even mentioned it occasionally and that made me think that she truly respected these last two guys in the group.  I felt very badly for Chris at the end and also on the follow-up show.  He needs someone truly deserving of who he is and I hope he finds her soon. 

    in reply to: TOTALLY off-topic. #15080

    back to when the phones were carried around in a shoulder bag.  When I look at what I carry now, I’m amazed at how inconvenient those early models were.  We farm almost 1,000 acres and cell phones are a very efficient manner in which to communicate.  For that purpose, they are invaluable.  Also, my Mom will be 88 later this month and it is peace of mind for her to know she can reach any of us in an emergency.  In fact, she just bought a track phone because she lost power during a tornado on June 5 that came very close to her home and we didn’t know if she was okay.  Our son lives a mile away from her and it did go through his back yard doing a lot of damage.  However, he was able to let us know his family was okay; but, needed us to come ASAP.  We don’t have all the bells and whistles and don’t need them.  Just give us a quick means of communication and we’re good to go.

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