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Participantchoose anyone because that’s happened before. I wonder if what someone else said here a couple of days ago will be the situation…they will get married on Monday’s show after the announcement of who she chose.
Participantsounds like Jennifer Lopez is a done deal to replace Ellen. Ryan Secrest said that he’s pretty sure that it was very difficult for Ellen to hurt the contestants’ feelings when she had to tell them anything negative about their performance. Evidently, she had told the producers a few months ago that she wouldn’t be back. It sounds like Kara DiGuario was not renewed to come back, so they’re going back to just three judges. I will find it very difficult to look at Steven Tyler if he’s on the show. He has a very unique face that I don’t find easy to watch.
Participanttook off through the inside door of Bo’s room. But, you are right, they went very quickly to her in bed waking up. That made no sense….as usual.
Participanthas morphed into the old apartment where Sami and Lucas lived. The same one Austin, Sami and Nicole had when they were in business together. For awhile, Chloe’s and Daniel’s was quite a bit smaller and all of a sudden it’s bigger and has those rounded doors. I thought that Lucas was selling his house to Nathan or Phillip…can’t remember which. When they showed the outside of Lucas’ house back when Kate was poisoning Chloe, it looked just like the porch where Chloe’s parents used to live…Craig and Nancy. I like seeing the sets reformed. It’s fun to figure out who used to live there.
ParticipantI usually go to a website and read a summary, but I feel like I miss so much. So, knowing I can watch the show at the NBC website is great!
Participanthave tears in my eyes. What a special guy! Thanks for sharing him with us.
Participantfashion creation. Did he follow that for a career? Your description of the shirt dress was right on with what I remember too. Those were so comfortable and easy to care for. My Mom wore a shirtwaist dress everyday. Every picture or movie that my Dad took of the family, there she was in one of her many shirtwaist dresses. She was very much like June Cleaver except for the pearls.
Participantrecalled an identical navy blue dress that I wore in high school in the mid 60’s. I loved that dress and we called it a shirt dress. The shirtwaist dresses I recall from those days had a belt and a fuller skirt not straight like this one.
Participantjust not my cup of tea. The haircut just makes him more unattractive to me.
ParticipantIt totally mystifies me why she was falling for Frank; but, I’ve felt stongly since he’s out of the picture that she walks away from both Chris and Roberto. In her recent interviews, she has never said that she’s in love. She keeps repeating that she’s happy with her decision which makes me think she decided on no one.
Participantclicking on the video of yesterday’s show. Daniel was at the door to see Carly and when he knocked, the door was not latched and he was able to walk in and found Bo on the floor. Hope was hiding behind the kitchen door. She was pointing her gun at Daniel when she heard sirens in the distance. Dr. Baker had called Roman anonymously that something was going on at Bo’s home.
Participantdialogue. I think each one of us could quote verbatum what she will say and could picture how she will act when she finds out about EJ’s role in Sydney’s kidnapping. It will be identical to every one of her past story lines where she was duped by a guy and she found out later. It’s so tiring to watch this, but I just can’t seem to turn it off. Such is soap opera life.
Participantfamily members and friends of mine who are dealing with various stages of cancer or remission. God hears my prayers every morning and He has done wonderful things for which we are truly grateful. Keep us posted.
Participantenough. I recall him being that type of character in Empty Nest too.
Participanttrying to remember the show he was on years ago and couldn’t place it until I read here that it was Empty Nest. Thanks to all of you for mentioning it. That’s one less trivial item on my mind now.