Forum Replies Created
Participantrecord it everyday and every evening when I hit the bedroom to watch any shows that I’ve recorded that day, I cringe when I think of playing back Days. It’s a real, physically sick feeling that makes me not want to watch, but I just can’t overlook that display on the list of what I’ve recorded. Of course, I do FF’d quite a bit; so, I get through it quickly. Sometimes I actually wish they would cancel the show, so I would be done with this addiction!
Participantbecause I don’t like either character. However, anything to get between Sami and EJ would work for me. As for Brady and Arianna, anything that would change their dialogue would be a relief. They have been saying the same lines forever! Although that’s pretty much a Days habit for most couples…sad to say.
Participantget better and better!
ParticipantThe BGSU is still viable. They let us keep it indefinitely. I brought home so much paperwork when I left on April 16 that I can’t find your e-mail! I’m still sorting through all that stufff! So send me one at BGSU and then you and I can get back on track.
Participantof Elliston, Ohio is a short distance from where I live. She was home this past Friday for a day filled with the most incredible events for her. I hope when they broadcast the video on this week’s show that they do justice to how it was. She was overwhelmed with gratitude and was most gracious even though she had to be totally exhausted. The closest big city is Toledo and they did a big parade downtown at Noon with her giving a short concert afterward. She also threw out the first pitch and sang the National Anthem at the Toledo Mudhens baseball game (they’re the farm league for the Detroit Tigers) in the evening. She had her son, Tony, in her arms as she sang and she had the biggest smile on her face afterwards. Later that day, she got a chance to perform with her buddy, Frankie May, who she talks about on the show at a concert near her hometown. And, I don’t know how she did it, but she stopped by Papa’s Tavern and got a chance to see some many of her friends who have supported her for so long. Toledo’s newspaper, The Blade, did a whole section in the Sunday edition chronicling her day. It was really great! Her personal story is one of struggle with a lot of courage and fortitude from such a young lady. I hope she has a super successful career whether she wins AI or not.
Participantkept a list of all the names of those who posted. I also had the city/state they were from. It’s a pretty long list and many are no longer posting. I, too, miss hearing from them. We’ve all made a lot of friends here and I’m also very grateful to Jenn for providing this forum.
May 3, 2010 at 3:54 pm in reply to: I guess Nicole didn’t know about when Lexi took Hope’s baby, Zach… #12655luckey
Participanthospital, Lexie immediately confronted her about how could she have the nerve to show her face after kidnapping someone else’s baby. Nicole shot right back at her about what Lexi did back when there was the controversy with the Lexi/Abe vs. Hope/Bo and their baby…I can’t remember the child’s name. So, Nicole did remember and made sure that she reminded Lexi.
Participantinnocent in that area either. My bad!
Participantmade him look like ridiculous! Is it my imagination, but it looks like he’s always walking hunched over like he’s trying to hide his height. I also read somewhere that he and the girl who plays Melanie are dating in real life.
Participantask him back for next year….if there even is a next year. I really doubt it. I believe it’s run its course.
Participanthave one full-time job!! I often wonder how I’ve done it all these years! I very much appreciate your acknowledgment of the importance of our family farms.
Participantwas thinking it might be Jake. I watched "The Batchelor" and I’ve seen enough of him at this point and won’t mind if he goes next week. I do believe that the fans of "John & Kate Plus 8" are avid voters and are very supportive of her. She is in the bottom each week, but they are supporting her enough to get her through to the next round. At some point, that has to give, but I won’t be surprised if she stays for another week or two. Pam Anderson peaks my curiosity a little in that she seems to be making quite an effort to learn these dances. She was much more elegant this week. However, having said that, her costumes, facial expressions and body language still exude the personality that she’s cultivated for so many years…very slutty. I figure that the men who watch the show would be her biggest fans voting to keep her as long as they can. With Edyta gone from the competition, Pam and Nicole are probably the two most watched females by the men. Just my thoughts. I actually thought that Nicole might have ended up with "one of the girls" popping out of her costume due to the skimpiness of the dress.
Participantas the mentor, thinking that he’s not "seasoned" enough for that position. However, after watching for a bit, I got the same feeling that you did that he had no hesitation telling them when he thought something wasn’t working or it was boring. All the other mentors are like Paula used to be…trying to be warm and fuzzy with them while not giving them any constructive criticism. Good grief, how are they going to learn if the professionals aren’t honest with them!?