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  • in reply to: Stefano & EJ $$$ #11777

    your statement.  However, just to clarify a bit….I don’t want EJ to stop his evil ways any more than I want Stefano, Kate, or Vivian to stop theirs.  I agree that they do keep the show from being boring.  Having said that, you are entitled to your opinion regarding "that night" in the car with EJ and Sami as are those of us who see it as a rape.  We agree to disagree.  I would just like to see our villains pay for their crimes at least once in awhile instead of walking away totally unaccountable.  As I look back, I do see Stefano, Kate and Vivian experiencing difficulties on numerous occasions for their transgressions.  They may not be paying for them in the legal system, but I do like seeing them getting a payback now and then from their victims.  Now, with EJ, he’s been on the show for several years and I see him as having lead a pretty charmed life so far without any real payback yet from his many victims.  Yes, he’s had some minor difficulties like the Nicole and Sami deception regarding Sydney.  It was very minor and just fueled his evil retaliation.  So, I do believe he is due for a reality check.  I guess I would like it to come from Sami finding out what he did regarding the kidnapping of Sydney.  If for no other reason, than for putting her in the situation he did "that night" in the car.  You have your opinion of the characters on the show and others have theirs.  Besides, we all know that with these writers, if EJ goes down for this, it will only be temporary and he will come back loaded for bear!

    in reply to: Daniel’s boo-boo #11773

    laughing out loud!  Good one, Patti!

    in reply to: EJ!!!! #11712

    EJ and Nicole is going to be enjoyable to watch.  Nicole may not have the financial resources to do anything to hurt EJ, but she has always been very cunning and mentally resourceful.  Ari does the role of Nicole expertly with her attitude, swagger, cutting remarks and facial expressions.  I’m looking forward to this chapter in the kidnapping saga.  Hopefully, for once, EJ is going to be on the hotseat struggling to keep it together.  It would be great if it takes awhile for the whole truth to come out, so that EJ has to suffer for his sins equal to what he inflicted on others.  If only the writers would take to heart that viewers need to see the villains get paid back at least now and then, so we want to keep watching. 

    in reply to: Philip/Chloe #11704

    the fact that she doesn’t go into a screeching meltdown like Sami or Melanie when she gets upset.  All in all, I think she does a very good job.  Even when she was "ghoul girl" and the character was a bit on the weird side, I think she did a very good job of acting. 

    in reply to: AI: Ouch! #11693

    not bad, but she seems to have a difficult time controlling where it goes.  If she had some professional training, I think she’d do pretty well.  I think Tim is cute too, but I’m not sure because I can’t see his face!  :-)

    in reply to: Philip and Melanie #11690

    faces that the actress makes as she goes through her emotions.  Sometimes I ff’d because it’s just too difficult to watch.  I do believe that her maturity level is much less than Phillip’s and that she’d be better with Nathan.  However, Phillip is being written as very emotionally into her and that could help her to grow up and fit with him better as the story goes along.  Of course, these writers have no rhyme or reason to what they put down on paper!

    in reply to: DWTS #11674

    is a popularity contest, they are definitely not the sharpest pencil in the box!  Buzz or Kate should have been the one voted off.  Shannon wasn’t great, but she was so much better than either of them.  Good grief! Kate forgot most of the steps to the entire dance!  I was surprised that Pam was in the bottom two.  I figured that the male viewers would vote for her just so they could keep watching her every week.

    in reply to: AI: Ouch! #11649

    as usual, I very much liked Crystal and Michael.  The rest were just okay.  What I thought was very entertaining was several of the performers had no problem challenging the judges with some of their responses.  As far as I’m concerned, they could put up cardboard pictures of the judges in their seats and just replay their same remarks week after week.  They are talking out of both sides of their mouths most of the time and saying the same thing to each performer.  I really hope this is the last year for this show.  It’s become so boring.  Of course, I could just stop watching too.  :-)

    in reply to: Well, we have another Carly victim!! #11648

    story lines over the years; but, I have to say that I don’t recall so many of them being plot-driven all at the same time.  There are so many characters doing things that are so ridiculous and out-of-character.  Julie’s conversation with Hope a few days ago really bothered me as I watched Hope’s emotions.  She’s all of a sudden pining for Bo, when not so long ago she was totally ticked off and concluded that she and Bo are over.  Personally, that would be okay with me.  How are the viewers supposed to have watched Carly and Bo rolling around in bed playing suck face and then totally accept Bope getting back together…not this viewer!  It looks like that’s what is going to happen now that they are pushing Carly toward Daniel.  Is this supposed to be the way the writers get Bope back together to satisfy the majority of the viewers?  Just wait, I can see the whole reconciliation thing taking place in one episode with no timeframe to get them struggling to get back to husband and wife.  And to think this whole thing has been going on while they are still married!  Neither one of them has done anything to end the marriage, even though Bo has been telling Carly that he loves her!  I’m not looking forward to more of this trainwreck!

    in reply to: Just have to wonder why Caroline would let…. #11647

    behind the bar at The Brady Pub.  Now, they’ve got Kinsey (?) doing the same thing.  That’s definitely not legal.  There wouldn’t be any problem with them waiting tables and going in and out of the kitchen, but behind the bar… way!

    in reply to: Brady’s casting #11646

    every scene.  I’m so hoping the writers keep Brady with Arianna.

    in reply to: Tribute to Frances Reid #11634


    in reply to: Governer’s security #11549

    Alan Quartermain for so many years, I’m just used to his acting.  But, I did feel that he seemed a bit uncomfortable as Governor Ford; although, it just might have been me being used to him as his GH character.  I don’t think it was well written either, so that may have been part of it too.  He and Anna had no chemistry whatsoever!

    in reply to: Bo #11544

    the history of a character.  I feel like you do when they are on screen together.  I just ff’d immediately.  I’m really curious to see how these inadequate writers are going to write the story that brings Bo and Hope back together.  Personally, I would have rather seen Bo and Hope leave the story line with Sean and Belle a few years ago.  I would rather that they had kept Marlena and John.

    in reply to: Judi Evans/Adrienne #11530

    that Carly’s eyes are so creepy.  She’s always squinting and frowning and giving that "evil eye".  I usually ff’d through the scenes with Bo and Carly.  I just can’t stomach watching them together.

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