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ParticipantThe only thing I can think is it was a close to EOB playing Teresa. I did hear rumors that Jen Lilley would come back as Teresa. I can only figure she will come back when there’s a funeral for John. Then she can leave again. EOB is returning as Gwen more permanently, so maybe they don’t want her playing two parts at the same time. I will say, good riddance to EOB as Teresa. That wig drove me nuts. I much rather her play Gwen with a British accent, than Teresa. Jen Lilley will always be Teresa to me.
ParticipantAre they both leaving? I would be all for that. I agree, that Leo has run his course, or worn out his welcome. I never liked Javi from the get-go. Useless character. They should have brought back Dario. At least I could care about Dario because he is Rafe’s and Gabi’s brother. Javi is useless.
ParticipantThe writers ruined Chad. He was so good with Abigail, but since they killed her off, his character is a snooze. I too hope Kat leaves with him.
ParticipantI wish she’d just go get an abortion, but that won’t happen. I see this going a few different ways. One is Joy leaves and has the baby which several years down the line comes back and lets Alex know he/she is his child. Another option is Joy leaves has the baby and Johnny and Chanel adopt the baby because Mrs. Choi is not going to let them adopt Sophia’s baby. The worst thought right now, is Joy and JJ plot for him to claim the baby is his. I only say this because what was the purpose of her opening up to JJ? He was a complete stranger but she spilled her guts.
I don’t like that we have two unplanned pregnancies on this show and the one couple who wants to have a baby can’t. I cannot wait until RC’s writing is over and done with. My other hope is Joy leaves the show. I just don’t think anyone cares. I would rather have Chloe back.
ParticipantI have not heard about Jen Lilly coming back. I follow her on Instagram and she hasn’t said anything about returning. Unless she does like she did when Victor’s funeral was held. Maybe she wants to be present for whatever funeral they have for John.
ParticipantI don’t have any idea how it will play out, but I’m glad we’re getting to some stories I want to see. I’m kind of sick of Joy being front and center. I welcome all things John and Marlena.
ParticipantMy husband records old episodes of Adam 12. I’ve seen Susan Seaforth Hayes on there and few other actresses from other soaps. I think I also saw an episode with the guy that played Don Craig.
ParticipantFrom spoilers I’ve seen, Body & Soul will come to its demise this week. I could not be any happier. It took up too much time on the show and it awful. I skipped entire days of the show when the whole thing was B & S.
ParticipantOk,I will say the real person/actor is a good guy. But I stick with the dislike of the character. Not my favorite, but then again, neither are Javi and Leo.
ParticipantI agree! I totally cannot stand Kerry. He is creepy. And to be honest, I’m not sure what anyone would see in him. His personality is just ick!
ParticipantFrom the spoilers I’ve seen, Theresa will be back in a few weeks or by March. Anyway, when she returns, she’s going to suspect something is up with Sophia and her mom.
ParticipantOoh, I never thought of Aaron being the father. Although, we haven’t seen proof of Sophia really being pregnant. We have to take her word for it right now. I’m also a little suspicious of her mother who is insisting on Tate and Sophia getting married. Why didn’t she suggest adoption, if she’s so pro-life? I’ll be honest, I think this storyline is not being written well. I get that the writers are pro-choice, but the whole storyline is just being written poorly. Is Salem in IL? I’ve dealt with the medical system in that state. My youngest went to an eating disorder treatment center there. If you are over 13 in the state of IL, you can make your own medical decisions without parental consent. So I’m already frustrated with the sl, because of the falseness of this narrative.
ParticipantAfter posting, I heard the actress left to go to college, like the original Tate. I can’t fault someone for wanting to advance their education. I’m sure when she took this roll, it was only supposed to be a short lived or rarely onscreen character. Now that Sophia is pregnant, I’m sure the roll is more intense and going to be onscreen more often.
ParticipantI was out of town for nearly two weeks and couldn’t watch. I’m going to do some catching up this week. If I get two or three episodes a day in, I’ll be caught up by next week.
As for Paulina, I do think they are leading up to a dementia storyline or brain tumor story, like her thyroid cancer spread. She has been acting oddly for a few months and even called Stephanie her baby girl once.
I will probably cry through the ornament scene and anything to do with John. I’m still so sad about Drake’s passing.
ParticipantI haven’t watched the last two days, but that is a good theory.