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ParticipantIs there a translation for that or is it just a sound?
ParticipantEveryone acts like Nicole is the bad guy. Excuse me–isn’t this EJ’s and Taylor’s fault. EJ shouldn’t have married Nicole if he was so in love with Taylor and Taylor shouldn’t have cheated with her sister’s husband, regardless of the circumstances of their marriage.
ParticipantI have not liked Jennifer and Daniel together at all! In my opinion it was too soon for these two to start up with each other. I have always been a Jack and Jennifer fan so I am very happy that he’s coming back. Now I just have to hope the writers can write a decent story for him.
ParticipantI too loved the scenes with Carly and Lawrence. I was very surprised to see him reappear, but very delighted too. His taunts were perfect and I can buy into Carly becoming addicted. She is playing this role really well.
The only thing I’m not too sure of is the Melanie/Dario relationship, but I must say that Dario is getting better. I hated his character at first and his acting was pretty bad. I think he’s becoming more comfortable in front of the camera so that makes it easier to watch him. Melanie just grates on my nerves. I tend to only like her when she’s helping save people like Stephanie and Chloe. The better parts of her character come out and she’s not whiney.
Agree about Abby too. I really don’t like this actress/character portrayal of Abby. I just can’t warm up to her.
ParticipantI don’t know how these actors get through saying those horrible lines. Who talks like that? And just to be practical–who goes to the "pharmacy" to buy Midol? I’d head out to Target.
ParticipantYou do realize that Missy Reeves is the real Jersey girl. I wasn’t trying to insult. As a matter of fact, I’ve never seen the show, but was flipping through the channels the other day and they had some sort of discussion about the show going on. One of those girls reminded me of Abby–it must be the black roots. They are hideous!
ParticipantThe way they go on and on about each other is sickening! I can’t buy the undying love thing at all. I want to vomit!
ParticipantBut I’d rather it be Jack. I’m just not feeling the Daniel/Jennifer chemistry. I also hate what they’ve done to Jack’s character. Remember all that he and Jenn went through on that island when she was pregnant with Jack Jr.? Sorry, but I don’t buy Jack uncaring and on a walk-about. The real Jack would have acknowledge Jennifer when she had her heart ripped out by the psychos at the prison. I want him to come back set things right.
ParticipantIn my 20’s I became allergic to feathers so I couldn’t use feather pillows or comforters because I’d break out in hives. Now in my 40’s I sleep with a down comforter and have no problems at all.
ParticipantI figured it had to be one of their kids, I couldn’t see bringing in some long lost child of Victor’s. On the other hand, I would have loved for Phillip to come back.
ParticipantWhat would change her from a "go for it attitude" to a don’t date him attitude? That doesn’t make sense to me.
Participantbut now I’m going to be looking. Maybe it can be paused and read.
ParticipantMissy is about my age and that was definitely a dress I would wear, so I absolutely loved it. So much better than the frumpy, ugly colored clothing they’ve had her in. I especially hate the ugly polyester pants they’ve had her wearing–yuck! I wouldn’t wear any of it.
ParticipantI haven’t been able to stand EJ since he started with Stefano on the Rafe2 story. Then we had that infamous "bump" with Taylor that’s made him look like a love-sick puppy. Now he’s a puppy peeing on the floor. Hope the writers realize how badly they’ve ruined EJ. Maybe James should consider some other acting opportunities because they’ve ruined him for me.
ParticipantYes, we all know and love her as Sami Brady/Days of our Lives. But, the majority of people who see her identify her with the Biggest Loser. It has a much bigger fan base than Days. Even my husband has seen her on bits and pieces of BL, but wouldn’t know that she’s on Days.