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  • in reply to: Sami’s children #22654

    I was thinking that meant Will and Ally, but that wouldn’t make sense, since Ally is already gone and Will is old enough that it wouldn’t matter. You are right, they legally are EJ’s kids, if she’s that concerned, why didn’t she just tell EJ to keep them at his place until Rafe is better? I think there is some crappy writing going on here.

    in reply to: After watching today’s episode #22613

    Even when she’s bad, she’s likeable, probably because she is such a good actress. I enjoy watching her because she’s flawed, but she always comes back swinging. She’s not a character that rolls over and plays dead. Can’t wait to see her in the next few weeks.

    in reply to: Philip’s (Not Much Of An) Exit Story ??? #22612

    What a crap ending to JKJ’s time on Days. They couldn’t do something better than that? Sorry, but none of this story seems remotely in character for any of them. Phillip would have fought the decision or made a deal with Chloe. They could have recast Phillip and had a better story. Now, poor Chloe is going to be devastated about losing her child and go off the deep end once more. No husband, no child, no future. You suck writers!

    in reply to: Stephanie ….. Is That All There Is????? #22545

    Makes me wonder what will happen to Phillip. He also quit and is in the middle of a big storyline. Have they re-cast his role or is he just going to take Parker for a walk and disappear?

    in reply to: Allison Sweeney’s Interview About R-2 Storyline #22456

    as uncomfortable with this story as I am. I really hope it’s over soon. It has to be one of the worst this show has ever had, right up there with possessed Marlena for me.

    in reply to: Darest I hope? #22385

    This whole storyline, R2, Faye, Taylor, EJ, Stefano and the list grows and grows, is getting on my last nerve. I hate it with a passion. I can’t even figure out why I’m watching this train wreck. I wasn’t in love with the character of Faye, but honestly, did we have to bring her back only to have her abused and battered by R2? I’m so sick of it!

    in reply to: Cleo Laine/ Chloe Lane #22384

    I wish they would let her sing more on the show. I remember we even heard her sing to Allie when Chloe and Lucas were together. She would sing lullabies. Why doesn’t she ever sing to Parker? I think if Chloe were given the opportunity to sing on the show, she would get a new life that wasn’t so dependent on men.

    in reply to: I wish tptb would replace the girl playing …. #22322

    until Johnny’s surgery then I thought, that little girl has a real personality and can act. But by then, the writers sent her to Japan. I think it just takes some kids a little longer to get comfortable in front of the camera. The two boys who play Johnny are naturals! They completely control the scenes they are in and I love watching them.

    in reply to: Spoiler 3 weeks #22321

    I’m with you, each individual has a particular "smell." Whether from perfume, naturally, hair spray, laundry detergent. The point is, you can smell people. I would certainly notice it. But I think the same thing about Faux Rafe. They might be able to change his face and voice???? But you can’t change EVERY physical feature and a person’s scent. Sami might be fooled, but I suppose I wouldn’t be–I still have 2 eyes and a great sense of smell.

    in reply to: Gay Character Is………………….. #22320

    They changed the actor playing Will several months ago and said it had to do with a change in the character. I believe the writers have known for a long long time that this character would be Will. It was rumored several years ago, too. What I would love more than anything, would be to bring back Marlena, and have Will confide in her. I think she would be the most logical level-headed character in helping Will come out to his family. If done well, this could be a powerful storyline. @Patti, I agree, I never saw any chemistry with Will and Gabi. I guess, this could be a way to get her character off the show too if that’s what TPTB want to do. I don’t see her matched up with anyone. Nothing personal against the actress, I just don’t see what her storyline would become except to create another "love triangle" with Abby and Chad. JMHO.

    in reply to: Carly’s Big Storyline …… #22252

    CC is a great actress and really pulled that scene off well yesterday. I am a lot like the Carly character in that I present a very tough exterior and let it build then finally break down, so I totally found her acting believable. I wonder if she is going to go completely over the edge or if she’ll become addicted to drugs. I actually think an addiction storyline could be a good one if they aren’t so cavalier with it. There are many in health care who cope with the stress by becoming addicted to the drugs they have easy access to.

    My wish for Carly is that she one day finds a relationship that doesn’t involve someone else’s husband or one where she is second best. Can’t wait to see how this plays out.

    in reply to: Grrrrrr!!!! Don’t even go there! #22251

    I think Theo will tell Lexie or Abe. He doesn’t have any desire to run away with Cierra, but he wants to be with her so I think he will feel conflicted enough to confide in someone. I can’t even begin to think that the crazy writers would split Bope up again over this. I don’t even know that Bo and Hope have officially consumated their new relationship yet.

    in reply to: Spoiler 3 weeks #22250

    I ff’d every one of their scenes. This is just gross! They have no chemistry and the heavy breathing has got to go. New actress or not, this is not an enjoyable storyline. Can’t wait to see Nicole’s reaction when she finds out what’s going on.


    Rafe/Rafe2–please kill it soon. Sad that I have to deal with it until Easter, but so glad it’s not going to last until summer, which was my original fear. I hate this storyline and I hope they fired the imbecile who came up with it!

    Can’t wait to see Nicole unleash her hellish side. That’s going to be one heck of a storyline. Finally putting the fire back in Nicole is going to be an awesome sight.

    Not sure about the Nicholas Alamain storyline yet, but I’ll give it a chance so long as he doesn’t look more like Carly’s brother than son.

    As for Chad being the gay character, I think that could work. We haven’t seen him in any real relationships so we aren’t connected to him in that way–we don’t associate him with any females currently on the show. Also, I think he has a lot of acting potential, so this storyline could be done well. He hasn’t ever been portrayed as some kind of stereotype so the writers will have to write this storyline with some seriosness instead of the gimmicky flamboyant comedy relief character that they typically do on Days. Thanks for posting!

    in reply to: Comcast Soap area is saying something about… #22179

    But not everyone agrees with your perception of being gay. Honestly, who would "choose" to live a life being treated like a leper? Also, having taught for more than 20 yrs., I have seen children as young as 5 who were obviously gay. I don’t think they woke up one morning and said, "Hey, I’m 5 and I think I’ll choose to dress up like a princess and play with Barbies." It’s a tough life to live even at that age, a children can be the most cruel when another child doesn’t "fit in" the way society expects them to. That said, I would not be repulsed by a gay storyline if it were done right. I don’t want a sex scene, but I don’t usually watch those scenes with the straight characters on the show. I prefer the illusion to the actual thing.

    Shadow, everyone is entitled to their opinion, I respect yours and I hope you can respect mine. I also hope that if Days does decide to tackle the issue of homosexuality that they do it in a way that respects both sides of the issue.

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