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ParticipantI think she is absolutely beautiful!
ParticipantShe stated once that TPTB like to put her in outfits that expose the "girls" quite a bit. I know she likes dresses over pants but she is uncomfortable with all the cleavage she has to flaunt. I don’t think she has much say in the wardrobe dept. It’s more like they buy clothes just for Chloe and then she gets a choice of only those clothes. If everything is tight and revealing, she basically has no choice.
ParticipantWish we could get even more like this. Victor has me in stitches. All I can say is that I’m glad they are using him more on the show. He is a gem and always has my attention when he is on. I NEVER ff through a Victor scene. Hope the writers realize how much the fans love him.
ParticipantThis is their fault. I thought, the least they could do would be to put her in loose fitting clothes. NO, they had to put her in tight clothers and show off her perfect body–thanks gang, you made every mom out there feel like crap. Then the crying one minute because she’s overwhelmed and the next she’s living in a perfect world and wants Parker awake all the time because he sleeps a lot. If only I could have been so lucky. Please writers, costume and hair and make-up depts. try to make things a tad more realistic. Most of the viewers are females who have probably had kids. Don’t insult our intelligence.
ParticipantI for one am not happy!!!!! This is the holiday season. Yes, people get cancer diagnoses during the holidays, but this is a soap! Where is some holiday cheer! They couldn’t wait until January to do this storyline. I am pissed that the writers have a need to do a traumatic and sad story during Christmas. Also, I know that the actor who played Jack Devereaux (his name escapes me at the moment) his daughter had this same cancer as well as the child of Hunter Tylo, who’s on another soap. Couldn’t they have brought Jack back and let there be a story with Jack Jr. instead. I think it would have had a much deeper meaning to it, much like when Chloe had leukemia (which her father died from). Not happy, not happy, not happy!
ParticipantReally, the girl goes from one guy to the other and each one is the love of her life. I want to vomit everytime I hear those words. Stephanie needs to love herself first and realize that she is still important even without a man. She really needs to go away for a while and re-group.
ParticipantMuch better, no more distracting stringy greasy hair. His gorgeousness comes out.
ParticipantShouldn’t that other doctor also be sick? He was in contact with them. Daniel and Stephanie should certainly be ill and quite possibly the bartender at the pub. If what that guy had was so contagious, dang, everyone in Salem should be near death now.
ParticipantMy mom hates Nicole, but I like her so much. She is a very sympathetic villain. She really loved Sydney and I think we see that she would do anything to be near her. Every time Sami can "have" Sydney, she’s pawning her off on her grandmother. I wish they had let Nicole have a baby, but I guess there wouldn’t be enough EJ/Sami screen time if they did.
ParticipantAt the bottom they have smaller pictures and one is the midol commercial.
ParticipantI just read through all of them and it was very neat and interesting. BTW, I saw Surrogates and didn’t even realize that Bruce Willis’s surrogate was Jeremy Horton. I thought they just made Willis to look younger and put a wig on him. Amazing how much "Jeremy" looked like a younger Willis.
Participantbut you are so right. Babies on TV always come out so cleanly and mom’s are immediately glowing with everything perfect down there. My other gripe, women shown as having a perfectly normal conversation and then bursting into immediate hard labor ready to drop the baby now. What?! I had 3 and I always had some warning, contractions leading up to labor, not just nothing then hard labor. And I had two of them with short labors–3 and 4 hour labor. But I didn’t go from 0 to 60 in a second.
Also, why does everyone on this show, not know how to give birth in a hospital, birth center or anywhere with someone to attend their labor. It’s in a cabin, a wharehouse (Hope) or some other out of the way place. So glad I’ve had all my babies because if I thought labor and childbirth were going to be so traumatic, I never would have had any.
ParticipantSami’s twin.
Participantor grits, either way it’s corny. As for Maggie and Victor, I love them together. They have amazing chemistry and the actors have always been in my top 5 on Days. The can totally carry a scene and I am so happy to have them together. Victor will bring a little of the naughty out in Maggie and Maggie will bring out the sensitive side of Vic. I can’t wait to see them tear into Vivian after this mess.
Also, I want a real Christmas in Salem. My whole family is coming out from NC and my mom is a huge Days fan too. We will definitely enjoy seeing ornaments on trees and decorations at all of the homes. Please don’t let us down Days!
ParticipantI’d give you a like for that comment.