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ParticipantThey would have made a great set of twins!
Participantbut I can’t post them here. Check out Days cafe if you want to know more.
ParticipantI would at least enjoy seeing Carly and Frankie reunion. I have found it hard to believe that with him being her brother she never considered going to him after killing Lawrence. This would make sense and I would be so much happier if his return has nothing to do with Jennifer. That almost makes me ill just thinking about it.
ParticipantShe played Brook Hamilton/Stephanie Woodruff on Days way back when. Check IMDB, it lists lots of shows she’s done an appearance or two on.
ParticipantDoubt he’d have been accepted to Wake Forest if he were in a special ed. class. I wouldn’t be surprised if they make it so that Madeline has a "real" birth certificate and a phoney one. Chad is 20, but thinks he’s 18. He is really tall so that might be the angle the writers are going for.
ParticipantI saw the epi when it aired on HBO. She has a great voice! And yes, Madeline is the Vampire spokesperson. This is why I kept saying I couldn’t get beyond that. Everytime I’d see her on Days, I was waiting for the fangs to come out, LOL!
ParticipantThe stories never end and go on and on forever. The viewers end up losing interest and then ff through the show. As I said, I don’t care for the Arianna character, but I think that’s because Lindsey’s story has been completely boring. If she’s not whining over Brady and Nicole, then she’s crying or falling all over EJ. I just can’t stand it. I know the writers have to have drama, but it seems they only write for May and November sweeps and then they just draw everything out between those times. I also was a die-hard fan. I had to start watching day from the DVR, 30 minutes in so I could skip all the commercials and get on this board to comment. Now, I can go days before I find out what happened and I ff through enough that catching up is not a real problem. I know that EJ is going to be found out, Sami going to act like an idiot around him, Chloe and Daniel are still not getting married, etc. The list goes on. Boring, boring, boring.
ParticipantI was thinking the same thing. Maybe Chad is Tony’s. But this is Days and I don’t think they are so creative as to think that way.
ParticipantI am sorry for Lindsey, but not for Arianna. I cannot stand the character. I have taken to ff through all of her scenes. Those big teary eyes in every scene are driving me crazy. And her seeking comfort and having confidence in that snake EJ are driving me nuts. I am so glad they are getting rid of Arianna. I didn’t like her with Brady, she was o.k. with EJ, but I he’s a bad guy, I liked her best w/Roman and they totally threw him to the side. I won’t miss her character.
ParticipantI was watching and immediately saw the bag of Bliss chocolates–no one had to point it out to me. Phillip could have walked in and asked Melanie what she was eating and she could have said "some chocolate" and shown him the bag. I didn’t need to whole forced conversation about Bliss. I will say that as soon as I saw the bag, I knew days was going to have one of those silly commercial dialogs. I wonder if there is some agreement they sign with sponsors that say they won’t just place the product, but do a full blown ad for the product.
ParticipantI’ve had my jaw pop and not close. I’ve literally popped it back by pushing my jaw back where it belongs. I’ve also been known to put pressure on the joint while I chew in an effort to keep it from making the chronic popping sound while I eat. I assure you, it’s just as annoying to your husband as it is to you. I hate hearing the sound in my head, not to mention the pain in my jaw.
ParticipantIt doesn’t make you click while you talk, but it will definitely make your jaw pop when you chew.
ParticipantThose earring were the ugliest things I’ve ever seen. Huge and distracting! I think they were bigger around than her head–could have doubled as a necklace. Not only that, they looked cheap–like she bought them at the Dollar Tree.
ParticipantBut she has one on NBC and wrote that she is most comfortable in dresses. She prefers to wear them over jeans and pants. I think it is her own personal choice to wear dresses.