Forum Replies Created
ParticipantPhils hair–YUCK! One of the most gorgeous men on Days and they can’t seem to wash and style his hair. It is so distracting from his good looks!
Phillip has fertility issues, Chloe has fertility issues, Daniel does not have fertility issues, isn’t it more likely that it’s Daniel’s baby than Phil’s. Not only that, Phil and Chloe did it once. Looks to me like Chloe and Daniel are at it all the time. NUMBERS!
I am sick of the who’s the daddy storylines. Days is becoming so unoriginal! We have these stories every year! Personally, I’ve never known anyone in my 47 yrs. that didn’t know who the father of their baby was. It’s driving me insane!
ParticipantWe could end up with another Kate/Stefano marriage, with EJ/Nicole. I think Nicole did make copies and I wouldn’t be surprised if she sent them to her mom and Brandon.
As for EJ’s expressions–priceless! I loved watching him squirm and I can’t wait until it all comes out and he is kicked to the curb.
ParticipantShe meant they will all "lose" not lose him. I know that Melanie would lose if it came out that Phillip is the father, but Carly doesn’t know that. Maybe she’s just thinking that Melanie and Daniel together would be devastated by Chloe’s infidelity and that Melanie would be upset for her father and lose a possible relationship with Chloe. Who know? These writers don’t seem to know what the characters know and don’t know and then they write dialog based on what the audience knows.
Participantwas during the day. Sami’s picnic was suppose to be at night–they even mentioned fireworks. I just wish we as an audience wouldn’t have to figure out time of day on our own. I hated JER when he was head writer, but I always knew what time of day it was–Night. He never did a daytime scene, I guess that has confused everyone now since we have to have daytime and night time.
ParticipantWhen Bo was saying good bye to Ciera on the front steps it was obviously night and then they cut to the teens at the beach and it was very much daylight–I think they were still eating ice cream. The editing is definitely not award winning.
Participantabout it to Hope and when she acts like she has no idea what he’s talking about, he’ll get a clue and talk to Bo. I certainly hope he mentions it, because then Hope will start to realize that maybe something is wrong with her.
Participantshe must wear dentures or she had veneers put on. I agree they make her mouth look weird.
ParticipantHow phoney can she be? She is obviously motivated by jealousy and I was very happy to see Victor put her in her place. She never wants Victor and rejects him at every turn. Right now she is so bitter about his marrying Viv and showing interest in another woman–Maggie. Honestly, what business is it of hers who Maggie associates with. I think I know where Sami gets it from now.
ParticipantI have had a hard time buying into her being a judge, because I watch True Blood. Everytime I see her, I think of her as the spokeswoman for the vampires. Even if you haven’t seen True Blood, look at her closely, she looks like those fangs would fit in just perfectly. I’ve been waiting for her bare them and bite Kate.
ParticipantSorry, but this is one character I’ve never cared for. I really don’t like her with anyone! Funny, because my mom loved her as Teresa on Passions and she loves her on Days. I’m rooting for Nicole because I can’t stand Ari.
ParticipantKim was not this over the top and her reaction is not believable. I think her acting has gotten worse. I liked her years ago, but not now. I love Shane, always have always will. I wish he could stay on longer.
ParticipantI am beginning to wonder if they will have SORASed him and he returns to find his biological father.
ParticipantWhen Phillip and Belle were married, everytime she wanted to tell him something, he’d cut her off and say, "I know what you want to say, or I know what you’re thinking." Well, now the untalented, unoriginal writers have put those same words in Daniel’s mouth. I am sick of it. I’ve been married 15 years and don’t recall once when my husband cut me off and said he knew what I wanted to say or what I was thinking. This is stupid, not to mention rude. Let Chloe talk and please have Carly removed. I am almost on the verge of vomiting everytime she’s on screen.
ParticipantAlthough I don’t care for this shade of brown, it is much better than the nearly jet black color she had on a few months ago when Mickey died. I agree, she needs to go lighter it would give her a softer look. Ari looks beautiful no matter what. Speaking of hair, so glad Adrienne is blonde again, didn’t care much for the red and I wish Kimberly would change her hair color too.