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ParticipantWish they’d bring him back permanently. He still looks great!
ParticipantI mentioned it and it’s driving me nuts! Sami did name him Johnny. Stefano called him Giovanni, just to get under Sami’s skin. But with Kate throwing in the "Gianni" it is making me crazy. Can they please pick a name, call the kid that name and leave it at that.
ParticipantI thought this was a mediocre tribute to a wonderful woman. If it hadn’t been for Jennifer and Hope speaking, I wouldn’t have shed a tear. The two of them made me cry. Nathan speaking at all was lame–we never had a scene w/him and Alice, so why have him speak. I also wish we could have had a bonafide funeral, that was just a scene at the grave site. I wanted more flashbacks, they could have let the whole show be about Alice, but instead I had to deal with the silliness of Sami rushing back because Johnny (or Gianni or Giovanni, whatever his name is) wasn’t feeling well. The conversation w/ Rafe and Shane was good, but they could have done that all yesterday.
I agree that Kim is bitter, and without getting into too much trouble, her acting is a bit off, so I can’t buy into her anger. Her reaction to Shane was stilted and weird!
Stephanie’s outfit–hideous! She looked like winter from the knees down and pregnant in the summer on top. UGLY! However, did anyone notice how she looked more like Melissa’s daughter than Kayla’s. That was a little odd.
On a positive note, Ciera’s tear running down her face pulled at my heart strings.
ParticipantUnfortunately, the writers are idiots and can’t think of an original story to save their lives, thus another who’s the daddy storyline. Only in Salem do more pregnancies end up this way than anywhere else. This is why Days never wins an Emmy. Because this ding-a-ling writers use this same old tired and worn-out story at least twice a year. It’s redundant and shows a lack of creativity, thus no Emmy EVER!
ParticipantThe proble w/Days today is very little interaction between all members of the cast. In the flashbacks, even those who weren’t related to Alice, interacted with her, i.e. Sami and Alice. Today they box the actors in and all of there scenes are just with a small circle of other actors. Rarely are there scenes with younger actors and older actors unless there is going to be some scolding done. Everyone has their own little circle of "friends" and enemies and that’s where it ends. I sometimes wonder how it is that these people are all connected but barely know each other.
ParticipantI am so sick of the same scene over and over and if Vivian doesn’t kill Carly off soon, I will!
ParticipantKind of eerie since the pictures are so old. I definitely see the resemblance.
ParticipantShe can’t get an annulment from the Church, but still there would have to be some considerations since we are assuming Daniel is Catholic. I was married in the Catholic Church (was Catholic) and my husband was divorced. However, he was married by a Justice of the Peace which is not recognized as "being married." I believe if he had been married in a church of any religion we would have had to get some sort of dispensation so that we could be married in church.
ParticipantI recall the wedding a bit, but I am pretty sure they were married somewhere like a restaurant or hotel or someone’s home. For some reason I don’t remember a church. Maybe Jason’s page will have more info.
Participantand said the same thing. Since when do non-Catholics go to confession? Also, twice divorced doesn’t equal Catholic wedding. The writers are worthless!
June 15, 2010 at 2:49 pm in reply to: I just don’t understand why people want Sami and EJ together… #13665mommytutu
ParticipantFor all the reasons you mentioned. He’s bad and I don’t care what kind of chemistry they have, he’s a criminal. Would you want your daughter to be involved with a criminal who raped her? I wouldn’t.
ParticipantThis is another character they’ve brought back that is totally unlikeable. I used to like Carly, but I have to agree, she is such a buttinsky that I can’t stand her. She hasn’t done anything on the show that I like and I wish they would just write her off the show. I am also quite tired of Vivian. Doesn’t she have anything better to do than scheme to kill Carly constantly. This is just boring!
ParticipantI have the same problem this AM–I think mine is from my over zealous work-outs with weights. Going to rest it today and hopefully it will be better tomorrow.
ParticipantI use elevators, but I’ve always had a fear of them free falling, now I can ride in one more confidently.
ParticipantI have degree in broadcasting and can tell you the outfit was inappropriate for TV. I remember doing a "mock newscast" in college and the only thing I received low marks for was the fact that I was wearing dangly earrings–I had long hair so they weren’t that obvious, but they were obvious enough to my professor who said they were a distraction. If that that blouse Nicole had on wasn’t a distraction, I don’t know what it is. She looked like an ad for an escort service not a newscaster.