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  • in reply to: Chloe talking to herself today #13457

    that I hope this is going somewhere with a mental health storyline. Of course there is no "real" psychiatrist on the show right now. I also don’t have any hope for the writers to be so creative that they would do such a story. But I think we could all agree that Chloe, Hope, Sami, Vivian, Kate and probably a few others could really use a few sessions on the couch and some meds too–except for Hope, maybe she needs detox!

    in reply to: No one is talking about Stephanie and Plan B????? #13456

    But the topics of birth control and abortion involve a lot of personal opinion on what constitutes morality. I will assume that is why no one has brought it up. I think the one thing we can all agree on is Stephanie trying to trap Nathan into marrying her by getting pregnant is definitely immoral. It’s also dishonest and is despicable to me. I have never once heard Stephanie or Nathan say they love each other, so why does she feel this incredible need to "trap" him into marriage. Not only that, but in this day and age, pregnancy doesn’t automatically mean the couple gets married. Stephanie is an idiot and shouldn’t be giving birth to any child–her gene pool seems to be missing a link!

    in reply to: Danilel’s setting up the wedding… #13362

    Everything is unrealistic and most of us know how everything is going to end without ever reading spoilers. I just watched Monday’s show and I’m still trying to figure out why Carly is playing the role of Little Miss Tattle Tale. On top of that, why has Melanie become so anti-Chloe? When did that happen? Wasn’t Melanie risking everything to help Dan save Chloe just a few months ago? Lastly, what day did Kate become so honorable that Carly would listen to her? The whole thing is stupid! I’m not sure how much more I can watch of this crap. I’m trying to stay with it for Alice’s funeral, but it’s getting harder everyday.

    in reply to: Chloe’s an idiot #13322

    I was totally turned off by Carly. It sounded so hypocritical of her to tell Chloe she has to tell Daniel. Carly is the woman who cheated on Lawrence, had a baby from another man, which was the only way her husband figured out that she had cheated and she lied to the father of the baby. Then she appears in Salem and moves in on Bo, who’s still married and jumps into the sack the first opportunity she gets. Her character is getting to be more and more unlikeable for me.

    in reply to: Pre-Emt Again? #13283

    Just checked, Thursday was some NBC show with Hoda and there is nothing for Friday. I hope to record it Monday on SoapNet, which is being called DOOL Friday. Of course with my luck, it won’t be on again.

    in reply to: Politics on DOOL #13255


    in reply to: Politics on DOOL #13253

    NBC is well know for their left leanings. It’s no secret that MSNBC has been in bed with the Democrats. That said, if they mention Glen Beck, or Fox news, it’s meant to be a slam to conservatives, plain and simple. If Glen Beck is a "shit-stirrer" he does it on Fox on his own show, which is purely commentary. It’s his forum. On Days, it’s not appropriate. People from all political persuasions watch the show. I don’t want political commentary on there. I want to be entertained. If they think it’s funny to slam Glen Beck or conservatives they will find that they are alienating many viewers and that could spell trouble for their viewership.

    I’m not a Glen Beck follower, but I find the negative reference to him is unnecessary. Let’s leave reality out of Days, they do that so well in all other areas they don’t need to add it here.

    in reply to: Chloe’s “Uniform” #13216

    And she often posted that she thought the dresses she wore bared too much of her cleavage. She knows she’s well endowed and has a hard time keeping the girls under wraps when they put her in those revealing dresses. I don’t think she has much choice in what she wears. It is exploitation, much the same as when we had the guys constantly running around without their shirts on. I guess they figure sex sells. What would really sell would be some decent storylines.

    in reply to: Duh, Chloe! #13057

    after she came back to town while she was married to Brady?

    in reply to: Chloe Sex Addiction #13056

    Chloe has always been in need of some counseling. Personally, I’m not a dr. but I’d diagnose her as being bi-polar. When she first came on the show, she was depressed and sad all the time. Remember she always wore black and was very shy. Then she came out of her shell. When she had her car accident, she went back into that shell and even insisted that Nancy tell Brady she was dead. Then she’s all healed and life is good. The flip side is this risk taker who has sex with Lucas in an elevator, marries him, cheats on him with Daniel, becomes hysterical over Carly and her own ability to have a child, then sleeps with Phillip. This is not a sex addict, it’s a disturbed woman who needs to get counseling and be diagnosed so that she can receive medication that will help her.

    in reply to: Is there any hope for Brady and Arianna? #13025

    I didn’t watch Passions, but heard these two were HOT on that show. Personally, I find nothing interesting, intriguing or otherwise exciting about these two on Days. They do nothing but have sex and fight. The whole relationship is very shallow. I personally cannot picture them married to each other. Arianna is insecure and jealous and causes problems for herself and Brady. I hope their relationship is over soon, because she really gets on my nerves. Just a side note, I did like her w/Roman. I know there is a huge age difference, but everytime they have a scene together, it is obvious that their scenes bring out the best in both the actors and the characters.

    in reply to: GOOD GRIEF!!! #12980

    They just have no idea what to do with her. Too bad, she’s probably one of the most beautiful people on this show. They don’t showcase her talents and all we see is her crying or on her back. What happened to the great love she had for Daniel? What happened to a wedding? And why do we have to endure Carly being at the center of every relationship being run into the ground on this show?

    in reply to: Chad & Will #12925

    Chad doesn’t even know Grace. How could he remember her? He thought Sydney was his daughter. And last I checked, Will, Sami and Rafe remember Grace. They are the ones who loved her and cared for her, not Chad.

    The more I see of her the happier I am to know that her contract has been terminated. She is such a Debbie Downer and so manipulative. The last thing we need is another version of teenage Sami.

    in reply to: Chad & Will #12921

    Chad’s trying to figure out the relationship between his mom and Kate. I think the more time he spends w/Will the more likely they both are to discover that connection.

    in reply to: Chad & Will #12818

    Agree, what a bore. No personality either. Aside from giving birth to Grace, what purpose did she serve after the baby switch story ended–none. Don’t like her change of personality either. That didn’t make her more likeable or more interesting. The only scene she’s had since she’s been on that was "good" to me, was when Stefano was in the hospital and he and Nicole told her to tell Chad she’d slept with a bunch of different guys in Chicago. I felt sorry for her and I thought she pulled those scenes off well. But, other than that–what a bore!

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