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ParticipantYes, I think Mark Greene and Marin are siblings. If they are going the route that somehow their parents’ death is because of Jack, the Hortons, or the Dimeras, isn’t that the same storyline as Sloane and her brother with Paulina. I’m kind of tired of repeat storylines.
ParticipantThat’s what I think happened. Which is really bad for us viewers. We started to get excited about a few storylines knowing the regular writers would come back and finish those stories. Instead, they chose to kill off characters or have them leave town and then they just dropped stories around them. I think it would have been a good story for Julie had the time capsule been opened and Everett was somehow linked to it. Another story they dropped was the story of a murder in Seattle that was unsolved and Jada believed Bobby had a connection to that. It was only mentioned a few times when they were trying to determine who Bobby/Everett was. Also, how did the fingerprints Jada got of Everett match Bobby? Why would Bobby, an alter, have his fingerprints on file, but Everett, the real person did not.
ParticipantFirst of all, I think Dr. Greene was supposed to be Leo’s new love interest. But that was under the scab writers. When the regular writers came back, I think they chose not to go that way with his character so they made him the bad guy working with Marin—but why? This storyline is so full of holes and chopped off stories. They did this with Bobby/Everett and they also did this with the time capsule storyline. This is truly the biggest problem with this show being written so many months ahead of airdate. I wish they would stop that. They can’t even reverse course when the stories are horrible because they’ve already recorded 6 to 7 months worth of show based on a bad storyline. That is what we’re seeing now, a hot mess of nothing being cohesive on the show.
ParticipantThis is definitely one of those storylines that was started with the scab writers then went sideways with the regular writers. It is not a cohesive storyline and I think it has left so many of us with so many questions.
ParticipantI thought we saw a memory from Connie seeing Gil come in to the apartment. I think Gil did grab that book from Li. Maybe Gil had blood on his hand too. I just wish they would re-show things so I wouldn’t have so many unanswered questions.
ParticipantWas Gil dead when Gabi walked in or was he not there yet? I swear, none of this story makes sense to me. The timeline is so convoluted.
ParticipantI actually think Connie was conceived. Remember when Li and Melinda were using a matchmaker? I think Connie was matched to Li, as was Melinda. I think that may have been when Melinda tried to record Li confessing to trying to kill Stefan again to be able to keep Gabi for himself. Then Li got pissed and decided to try again and that’s how he met Connie. All prior to Gil’s murder.
ParticipantConnie doesn’t care what Melinda and Sloan did, she only cares about the fact that in her mind, Melinda prevented her from being with Li.
For me what still doesn’t make sense is why Connie killed Li. She supposedly has this obsession with him and yet she killed him instead of trying to win him over. I know he told her he wasn’t interested in her, but wouldn’t that make her try harder to get him? Why kill him? It still makes no sense if she were just trying to get revenge on Gabi and Stefan. That would mean she planned to kill Li, so that she could get Gabi locked up. How did she know Gabi was coming over? This whole story really got crappy when they decided to give Creepy Connie airtime. A useless character that is now eating of every day of every show. I can’t wait until this storyline is done. It’s useless.
ParticipantI don’t know, but I certainly hope she’ll be caught soon. I absolutely hate this storyline and I’m still upset over Everett’s death. Blake Berris is a fabulous actor and I will miss him.
ParticipantIn case you haven’t noticed, Sonny has no storyline on the show. He pops in for weddings and funerals. We haven’t see Will in ages. So your concern for two characters who really aren’t on the show, matters not.
ParticipantJada made a bunch of bad decisions. Poor policing at its best. She touched the pill bottles, she didn’t immediately call 911. Instead she and Stephanie just kept yelling at Everett. Seriously! They both searched the room for the gloves instead of securing a crime scene. Bad writing coupled with a storyline that never went anywhere has made it all very disappointing.
ParticipantThe only thing I can offer is that if you recall, Paul was a famous and closeted baseball player. He often was seen with beautiful women trying to cover up that he was gay. Maybe at that time he was an angry, closeted gay man and that’s how the writers wrote it. We also didn’t know Paul’s background and his connection to John Black. I think it’s just a case of writers going in a different direction with a character. I’m not really concerned about it because I really like Paul and I’d actually hate seeing a violent Sonny.
ParticipantFirst of all, I don’t think a soap on another show that I don’t watch has anything to do with this story. Second, Sonny and Titan have nothing to do with this story. My point is there was a boatload of story left for Bobby/Everett with a bunch of unfinished stories to tell. TPTB, should have had Bobby kill Connie. Everett would not be aware of Bobby’s actions and when Everett re-emerged, he could have technically gotten away with it because it wasn’t him. That’s all I’m saying, all this other stuff truly has nothing to do with the storyline except the part of Marlena telling Kayla she thought Bobby was faking being integrated.
ParticipantBobby didn’t kill himself, though. Connie poisoned the coffee that she brought to him. Remember they showed her putting crushed up pills in his cup of coffee. She also told Kristen, when Kristen took a sip of Gabi’s coffee, she put “nothing in this one.” She poisoned Bobby’s coffee and he started feeling bad at the police station. At that point he had already been poisoned. Also, remember that Connie planted the evidence around the room and wrote and left the suicide note. I wonder if they’ll check the handwriting of that note.
I think Ron Carlivati had a bug up his butt. This wasn’t his story so he killed Bobby/Everett. We know that he was the one who came up with Connie as the killer. Personally, after this fiasco, I’m glad RC was fired. Sadly, it’s just too late for Bobby/Everett.
ParticipantI wish there was a like button.