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  • in reply to: Lex Resurfaces #60957

    No they couldn’t. That’s why she has chosen to steer clear of Days.

    in reply to: Getting Through to Holly #60956

    Bigger questions—why didn’t Holly say Tate didn’t break-in and enter? He tapped on the window and she let him in. Why doesn’t the Bistro, or whatever that restaurant is called, have cameras that showed Holly taking those drugs of her own free will? Why are the stupid writers trying to make this out as Holly being rufied? No one gives someone fentanyl in order to have sex with them. That’s a sure way to kill someone. And Days should have the balls to say it was fentanyl. That is what’s killing kids across this country. Call it what it is.

    in reply to: Tate Is The New Will #60955

    I think Brady already tried to take the blame for Tate and that got him nowhere. As a matter of fact, it kind of backfired on him. Why not insist that Holly tell the freaking truth! That self-centered girl is a damn liar!

    in reply to: Holly’s Actions #60950

    I’m not sure what you’re asking, but I think Tate has every right to be pissed. Holly is not willing to take responsibility because she doesn’t want her mom to think badly of her, but she’s willing to let Tate be locked up to keep her reputation in tact. I’d be beyond pissed.

    in reply to: Lex Resurfaces #60949

    It was not Renee’s voice. She has absolutely nothing to do with the acting world now. I am sure though, that they found someone who could use her same intonation and rhythmic pattern of speech.

    in reply to: Time Capsule #60943

    @zodiacpisces1971, I seriously feel like you just want to argue for arguments sake. Who cares if we call it a time capsule, if Tom and Alice called it a time capsule, or if they just called it a a box of mementos? I’m with @doolfan on this. Let’s just move the story along. For some reason I think it might be connected to Everett Lynch/Bobby Stein. They keep involving him in Horton stories and it seems to me he may have a connection to the Horton family. Maybe he’s even a long lost grandson of Tommy Horton. Remember he lost his memory for a very long time. Maybe he had a child with someone and this is their child.

    in reply to: Julie and Everett March 4 Episode #60938

    Maybe his resemblance to Nick is important because he is a Horton.

    in reply to: Time Capsule #60937

    Tom Horton was a doctor—a well educated man. He and Alice seemed to know how to read. I’m guessing they could have read magazines or newspapers that would have used that term. Also, the only people at this point calling it a time capsule are those of us here today. I don’t recall any note saying this is a time capsule.

    in reply to: Nicholas Robert Everett Lynch Fallon #60936

    I don’t remember much about Jessica except that she was Marie’s daughter and that she had multiple personality disorder.

    in reply to: Julie and Everett March 4 Episode #60929

    First, I really enjoyed this episode with Julie and Everett. I’m not sure the writers even know what they’re doing with Everett’s character. They brought up Nick Fallon, they brought up Tommy Horton. They didn’t bring up Jessica, Marie’s daughter, but didn’t she have a split personality? Could Everett be a long lost twin? My bigger question is does no one in Salem know about Google? Any one of these people could google Everett’s name and/or Bobby’s name and see what pops up. This is a man who was an award winning journalist. Shouldn’t he have something online or a social media presence somewhere? This is the 21st century. Are the writers unaware of the internet?

    in reply to: Time Capsule #60928
    in reply to: Hanging Storylines #60924

    I have to agree. They just seemed to drop everything. I wonder if this has anything to do with the scab writers and moving into our regular writing team. It seems so odd that we rushed to start these stories and then just poof! They’re gone. I especially want this Konstantin and Teresa storyline to move. Why did they have Konstantin go from wooing Maggie and harassing Teresa to all of a sudden harassing Steve and John? It’s like they got bored writing one story so they moved on and wrote another one. It’s like that with every storyline you mentioned.

    As for Everett, I’ve heard rumors that Everett might have DID, or possibly it’s like a Bourne Identity storyline. I hope he’s not involved with Clyde. And speaking of Clyde, is this not the most stupid storyline. He’s more powerful than the Dimeras and he basically is running a kingpin type drug ring (and an entire town) from a prison cell. What the hell? I hope they kill Clyde off soon. I’m so sick of him.

    in reply to: TatOllyStine #60920

    If you’ve seen the previews for next week, Holly tells Nicole the drugs weren’t from Tate. I don’t think she’ll need to be hypnotized.

    As for Konstantin and this stupid Pawn storyline, please let it end. I’m so sick of Teresa trying to get Alex’s money, the inheritance really being Xanders, and this terrible actor who plays Konstantin looking for revenge. End it please and put us all out of our misery.

    in reply to: Eli Absent for Doug’s Passing #60914

    No, his last scene will be in May. His death will be played out some time after May.

    in reply to: Eli Absent for Doug’s Passing #60912

    They just dedicated the episode to his memory. They did the same when John Aniston died and even when Arlene Sorkin died.

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