Forum Replies Created
ParticipantWhat songs did he sing?
ParticipantBooms, folks on catwalks, etc. He was looking at Jay the other day and even reached out to touch his chin while cooing. It was so cute.
And even if he DID have Downs, so what?
ParticipantSame old song from Corday. Ugh…
I’d love to see more realism in Days. So many folks are facing hard times because of the economy. Even those who allegedly work in Salem seem to earn money for doing nothing unless they work in a hospital. Would be refreshing for the writers to throw in a bit of fantasy and still come up with realistic ways for characters to deal with real-world problems.
I wish we board members had the $$ to start our own show. Would bet we could get some viewers.
ParticipantI wanted to shoot him.
ParticipantWhy didn’t she try to get out of the apartment when she first hit him with the pepper spray? And why is it that those darned chain locks never want to slide when someone is in a hurry?
ParticipantI’ve kissed a windshield because I was a dummy and wasn’t wearing a seat belt. (Young, invinceable, and foolish.) They pulled glass out of my face for two hours, but I didn’t pass out from the hit.
I’ve hit my head numerous times because I didn’t back out far enough from under a cabinet or whatever. Never passed out.
In high school someone shoved someone else at a football game and we banged heads big time. Didn’t pass out.
Go figure….
ParticipantNo matter how large or small the transgression, there are rarely any consequences.
ParticipantThere’s usually a lot of laughing, one calling the other a klutz, etc. LOL
ParticipantSydney is supposed to be the reason that Nicole threw away everything with Brady to be with EJ. Ari seems genuinely excited when she is with the children, but Sydney shows no emotion whatsoever.
ParticipantSo after the big EJ/Taylor make out scene, Nicole and Faye come back. A short while later, Nicole kisses EJ. Wouldn’t she have smelled Taylor’s perfume (who knows what else) on him? I don’t mean to be disgusting, but then again this story line is….
ParticipantI’m not in the medical field, but it just seems like there would be such a huge chance of getting the cloth into the leg and therefore getting an infection. Every shot I’ve ever gotten required me to roll up a sleeve or drop trou.
ParticipantI was really getting worried about her for a while.
ParticipantI’m gay and really don’t want them to do it because it will probably be written in a ridiculous manner. Kind of like I hate when broadcast news shows radical gays acting out in parades or God forbid, those lowlifes that interrupted a church service in California. My friends and I do not condone that type of behavior and hate that some people believe that all gays are like that.
Plus, there are small kids who are home with their moms when Days is broadcast and they don’t need to be exposed to this kind of thing at such a young age.