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ParticipantNBC has been his biggest cheerleader for quite some time. His "jobs czar" Geoffrey Immelt was head of GE which was NBC’s parent company.
ParticipantBrady isn’t being led around by his nose, but rather another body part.
ParticipantEnded up having to get on a conference call as soon as I got to my parents’ house. Ate my dinner sitting at my dad’s desk with the laptop and a phone with my folks at downstairs.
Participant… the brain he uses when it comes to women lies south of the belt buckle.
ParticipantI literally laughed out loud when she jumped on EJ, then hit rewind so I could watch it over and laugh some more.
Eileen hit it out of the park today. She does evil so well!
I’m so glad they took that ultra red lipstick off of Sami. Ali has such natural beauty that IMHO they mess it up when they try and make her look glamorous.
Also impressive was how much anger Drake was showing yet he was able to not leave a mark on Eileen’s arm. I would imagine it’s hard to evoke that much emotion verbally and not have it come out physically too.
Today’s show was awesome! Hope the writers keep it up.
ParticipantNot my thing, but I was LMAO at the old ladies running up to stick money in the guys’ g-strings!
ParticipantAnd it’s a shame. I’ll bet they know all of the commercialized songs, but not the ones that describe the true meaning of Christmas.
I did notice Ari knew the words as did a handful of the others. What really cracks me up is Salem seems to be the biggest little town around and other than three or four other folks, the main cast members were the only ones attending mass.
ParticipantDon’t forget how quickly Jen bounced back from open heart surgery!
ParticipantI don’t like watching it either. Sex is not a spectator sport, and I sure don’t agree with it being acted out so graphically on daytime TV when kids could be watching. It adds nothing but shock value.
From what I’ve seen of the sitcoms/dramadies that NBC is showing this season, they have a gay agenda. Not surprising though as they are definitely the most liberal of the major networks.
ParticipantBoth are wonderful actresses.
ParticipantI don’t care if there are really cameras, lights, and a bunch of other people behind the scenes. It’s all just filler to me. One of the best scenes ever IMHO was in Urban Cowboy when Pam takes Bud back to her apartment. She tells him she has something to show him then opens a bedroom door. You see a saddle on a sawhorse type thing. Bud gives a big smile and the scene fades as she closes the door. End of scene. Let your imagination figure out what happened next if you please.
ParticipantNow that Bo is gone, I hope they don’t make Hope have a fling with someone else.