Forum Replies Created
Participantthe cake fight was alright but I was confused at to why a random cake was in the middle of Java. Anyway I am going to miss JKJ…the one and only Philip.
Participantabsolutely adore Maggie and Victor together. I also prefer Kate’s scenes with Stefano instead of just her meddling.
Participantyou have a point but I’m just glad she is on screen at all. So many times people have kids that are never seen because they are always in the other room or at Grandma’s etc.. I think replacing the original Sydney was a big mistake in general. What purpose does having her be older serve? She has no lines. Also the original babies adored Ari and recognized and responded to other cast members. So logically as they got older they would continue to be comfortable. Perhaps if the new Sydney could just smile more…
Participanthow Will has never given any signs of struggling with his sexuality. So he picked out fabulous earrings and now he’s magically gay? I think to just snap some fingers and make a character gay is doing a disservice to the character and to the fans. You can’t undo this. Well anyway they better bring back Lucas for this storyline. To have this go on without him would just be beyond ridiculous.
ParticipantYou could do one with a night sky. Have a constellation represent self checks, mammos, etc. You could also have a lantern or candles on there to represent survivors like they have at the Relay for Life. You could also put a net catching a firefly and put "catch the spirit of survival" or something similar. Or an owl saying,"Who’s done their self check this month?" That’s just off the top of my head.
ParticipantJKJ IS Phillip. The last recast was horrific.
Participantsome truth to the fact that the internet makes it harder when you see a storyline that you do not like is continuing for an extended period. However I think most can be wrapped up in 3-4 months. Not 6 months plus. I mean the flashbacks alone are exhausting. For instance with EJ and Taylor’s scarf scene. Total nonsense and not that great of a scene and yet how many time were we forced to watch this? I wish Days could poach a writer from Y&R.
Participantthis idea. Which means it will never happen.
Participantthey had chemistry. Not that it interested me. I am more fascinated by seeing if Taylor can actually breathe through her nose.
ParticipantI read it on another thread before it was corrected.
Participantis up with these names? Dario and Quill? Who would want to get naked with someone with those names? C’mon DOOL!
ParticipantJKJ is Phillip. No recast EVER.
ParticipantI’ve seen her and no. Just no. Ffwding all of this and I’m very disappointed because I adore Jennifer/Missy. Jack is my all time favourite and I can’t stand this.
ParticipantJKJ IS Phillip. I never will accept anyone else. The last guy was so freak`n awful.
Participantthis would be a good time to have Nancy come back. I’d love to see her take on Kate and sanctiMelanie.