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Participantthey had the 3 finalists on. He said something like it was his anniversary and something about Albania’s independence ? too. He also had his little girl on this morning and Melissa’s husband and daughter congratulated her via remote from Texas where they live. They had the 3 couples do a question and answer quiz on each other. Kelly and Val won that.
ParticipantKristin so she could have John. The flying teeth wedding! Stefano really looked younger back then but some of the others have stayed well preserved!
ParticipantSami has stayed fairly young while EJ has aged very abnormally rapidly! lol I often wonder why they show the past shows like this with characters that they have messed with age wise. It would almost make more sense to do a cut/paste show wih great scenes of people that are still on the show and haven’t aged/de-aged.
Participantrather than acting so maybe her character dying will be her exit but she’ll now be directing on the show? That show has taken some major character hits lately like Days: Ronn Moss who played Ridge Forrester left the show before Stephanie did.
Participantbetween Father Eric and Nicole? When they were gazing at each other I expected a kiss at any moment!
ParticipantThey are great together and Tony needs a win! I would love to see someone who hasn’t won, win!
Participantwith a dead baby in her if the baby is really dead! Especially if as she had told the doctor earlier that the baby had been wild the night before but calm in the morning. The doctor leaving town almost immediately snells of Stefano to me! The nurse that was last with Nicole also didn’t call her by her own name. Just weird!
Participantwas talking about it. I am probably in the minority, but I didn’t like it.
ParticipantI saw it as a very unfair advantage to some. Also, is it my imagination or does Maks always seemed to be given stars that are real "challenges"? I’d also like it if the producers excluded the pros who have already "won" either more than once or even once. Let the others have a chance!
ParticipantBrady was born on screen on May 19, 1992 and Abigail was born on October 19, 1992 so they are only months apart. However, which one of the Kiriakis boys is Sonny? September 17, 1990 Joseph Kiriak or September 17, 1990 Victor Kiriakis II? Then you’ve got Sami who should be 8 years older than Brady and yet at one time was way older! EJ has to win for being the most "out of whack!" He was born 2/21/1997 and should be younger than Sami’s son, Will (11/16/1995) and Philip Kiriakis (2/21/1995)! Given all that, Brady should still be in college or just graduating, EJ should still be in High School, and Sonny maybe the closest to his actual age!
ParticipantIf so, then she slept with father and son but the years aren’t matching! When did Santos sleep with Yvette? It would seem to have been before John was conceived with Colleen Brady. As to the letters, I suspect that they were both fake. I’d also like to know when Stefano was taken and substituted. The real Stefano should have known if John/Hope weren’t married and therefore sending them to Aremid would make no sense. But Susan should also have been involved due to the claim of EJ being sick as a child etc.
Sometimes I just feel like it’s all a change of writers, change the stories, make things make little sense, age and de-age kids to the point of ridiculousness, etc!
Participantsince I knew she’d be on, I was surprised when she appeared. She didn’t look much like she did when she was originally on. The years seem to show that she didn’t work as an actress during that time. As to her not knowing much about her son, I think he was supposed to have been embarrassed by what he did that led to jail and therefore stopped communicating so as to spare her. Since as Jessica, we never knew that she had had a child as it was all ‘invented’ when Nick first appeared so I’ll give her and him a break on that one! Atleast she looks like someone who might have had a child Nick’s age now. I just don’t get what he’s needed for?