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  • in reply to: Oh my… #18614

     be revived! lol  I don’t see her leaving as there is still the connection to Melanie and Daniel to be explored.  Unless Chrystal wants out.

    in reply to: My Review for A Secret in Salem is up #18613

     I am really enjoying the story (not done yet as I am totally visualizing each page) and agree that it should slowly be incorporated into the Days show.   I definitely would get the next two books!  I’d love to see the Charley character come to Salem and see Stephanie leave!  She does remind me a little of Melanie when she first appeared though.

    in reply to: Slow Storylines #18569

     stories.  I am enjoying Maggie/Victor as I think the Maggie we know would be torn over what he’s done while still being attracted to him. Vivian just drives me crazy – I’d put her in jail and throw away the key.  She’s not funny, just psycho!  I’d rather see Caroline in the Maggie/Victor story with both of them being interested in Victor while trying to deal with his history of evil deeds.  Yes, Parker should be Daniel’s son but knowing the show, there’s more drama with him being Philip’s even though the likelihood of it is less than zero considering his previous ‘ability’ issues but the same goes for Chloe.  Maybe Nathan and Melanie will do the deed while in the fevered state and produce a child too? lol



    in reply to: Another new doc #18558

     go so I’m looking forward to his being on Days.   I think he can play the good or bad guy well so who knows what his character will be like! 

    in reply to: Any Harry Potter fans? #18557

     very dark and depressing too.   I haven’t seen the movie and am not sure I plan to. I read all the books and mostly enjoyed them.  I tend to like the books better than the movies though.

    in reply to: Anyone get “A Secret in Salem?” #18556

     I got the book this weekend but have only gotten part way through it as I had other things to do.  I did find the constant references to ‘fashion’ and location a little distracting but so far, I am enjoying the story.   I’m at the place where Shawn is practically camping out at the hospital which I’m surprised that Belle is so accepting of.  It’s interesting to read what ‘could be’ happening while the characters are off screen.  

    From what I’ve read, this is just the first in a series that will involved Charly.  I have to wonder since Days sanctioned this, if we are eventually going to be seeing Charly show up in Salem on the show as time passes.  The Sami description certainly fit the old Sami, but hopefully she’ll change for the better.  I also wondered if Sherry Andersen has done a lot of European travel or if it’s just a lot of good research.  Let me know when you post your review!

    in reply to: The smoking gun….. #18544

     someone to try and find the gun in the river.   I guess he’s found the Salem Money Tree too!  

    in reply to: Is Will still in high school? #18501

    close to his real ‘birthday’ on the show which is 1995 making him 15.   If you really want to have some fun with the ages: Phil and Will were born in the same year (1995), Stephanie is only 5 years older than them (1990),  Stephanie should also be 2 years older than Brady, and the best one is EJ who should be 2 years younger than Will (born in 1997)!  lol

    in reply to: New Detective #18479

     the Dimeras! 

    in reply to: My storyline overhaul #18465

     what about the new doc and he could be bad or good?

    in reply to: Thanksgiving #18450

     turkeys but no mention of the Thanksgiving holiday! lol  Sorry, couldn’t resist.

    in reply to: OH HAPPY DAY! #18449

     return even if it is only briefly!

    in reply to: The smoking gun….. #18447

     wonder why they don’t ask the SP people for their opinions on "medical, legal, educational, etc." story stuff!   This is one smart group of people of course it could ruin all their story plans as they won’t make sense! lol

    in reply to: DWTS Winner #18437

     guys with the most potential but now maybe it is that they are strong instructors and really have a good sense of what will work for the contestants that they get?

    As to Jennifer, she did Dirty Dancing a long, long time ago and she’s 50! Just to be able to compete with the younger more agile dancers says a lot to me.

    in reply to: The smoking gun….. #18394

     it doesn’t prove she’s the shooter.

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