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ParticipantTwo more years! That’s huge and what is the comcast connection? I hate that Soapnet won’t be showing soaps after January as I frequently catch it there.
Participantare still sailing all over the place and I am guessing she’s pregnant again in this book. Marlena’s chapter indicated Zurich, Switzerland and a clinic or health spa type place. If you go to and type in the name of the book, click on the sample chapters, you’ll see what I am talking about.
Participantworth it IF it involves most of the cast and limits the number of other sets needed that day(s).
Participanthe has a photo of him there. I think he spent time at Doug’s club and also at Liz Chandler’s way back. I do remember him but not as a very prominent character.
ParticipantBUDGET! lol They can’t afford to keep recreating places that they won’t use for more than a short scene is my guess.
Participantmade a mistake first, then Caroline switched it, and now it is right but no one knows that it is because the ones that know about the switch think it wasn’t Daniel’s. I know that sounds confusing but what was the purpose of that bumbling student nurse if not to screw up the original posting of the paternity test?
November 3, 2010 at 9:38 pm in reply to: Just wonder who else here is single and lives alone? #17677SW
Participantas I have made "freezer jam" and it is fine. As to the milk, yes I’ve accidently frozen it but since I use it primarily to cook, I use "powdered" milk. It comes in packages that make a quart but you can use it by the tsp or cups. I don’t notice any difference with using the powdered stuff- making bread, chowder, etc. Plus, it lasts for years in the dry state.
November 3, 2010 at 9:34 am in reply to: Just wonder who else here is single and lives alone? #17633SW
Participantat another that doesn’t pull that stunt and they are almost always cheaper. They don’t do double coupons but I’d rather have the cheaper prices and their ‘store’ brands are just as good as the name brands, plus they are cheaper. It really annoys me when I got to certain stores and see the price on an item at $3.99 or more and the same item at the other store is only $2.50. That is a huge difference and it has happened on many items that I get. I do have to travel further to get to the cheaper store but if you plan it when you’re going to that area anyway, it’s worth it. The store doesn’t always have as many choices but cost is a huge consideration for what you do get.
November 2, 2010 at 9:47 am in reply to: Just wonder who else here is single and lives alone? #17589SW
Participantoriented’s deli slices what you want. I frequently will get either 1-2 slices of what I want or 1/8 of a pound. That way, it usually doesn’t go bad. They also do pre-cooked things that I wouldn’t make for myself but are yummy and they are at most in double portion size (they think of it as a single but it usually is 2 meals for me). They aren’t cheap but are cheaper than going to a restaurant. The lettuce situation isn’t usually a problem during the spring/summer as I grow my own. Unfortunately nothing grows in winter here, lol.
November 1, 2010 at 9:30 pm in reply to: Just wonder who else here is single and lives alone? #17576SW
ParticipantI have a neighbor that I sometimes share with just because it is way too much for me in one package. I also throw out way too much. I do freeze somethings and I have the Food Vacuum sealer that I use for things that I make but there is always fresh stuff that goes bad. There’s a specialty grocery store near me and if you ask, they will sell small sizes of things. Most of the fruit and veggies around my area do come by weight but lettuce is not the case. I wonder why they don’t get that not everyone has a ‘family around’ or needs the ‘family size’ portions.
November 1, 2010 at 9:21 am in reply to: I think we need for Carly’s son, Nicky, to come back… #17549SW
Participantbracket Nicky would be in? Let’s face it by now he should be in his late 30s to 40s since he was 30 or so the last time he was on the show sleeping with Kate. But, Carly doesn’t look old enough to have a kid that is 40 so how do you deal with that one? De-age Nicky and forget he slept with Kate? Or, just ignore the guy altogether and pretend he and mommy don’t get along?
ParticipantIt’s been on forever and involved Vivian in the coffin!
lol I also wonder if they’ve given up doing most of the holidays because of the pre-emptions that the network seems to love to do? As to the ornament hanging- for those interested: check out the spoiler board for the answer to your question. I won’t put it here as it is spoiler free.
ParticipantI love her books. I think it is quite similar to Risolli and Isles with a male/female main character combo.
Participantwas the the procedure. I remember seeing where a heart could be kept ‘frozen’ to be transported to another city and then still be used but that was due to the frozen state.