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Participantsoap before Days. As to her really being gay, I’d be pretty sure she isn’t since according to all I’ve read, she is married to the actor that plays Lawrence Alamain, they have children, and she’s been with him since they met on Days the first time around. I suppose she could be but I’d really doubt it, what do you think?
Participantshe was 16 when she had Nicky and that is why Vivian took him. She wasn’t even out of HS at the time. As to Nicholas, he was in his mid 20s I think when he and Kate did the deed but she was also a lot older as she had adult children in Austin, Billy and Lucas. I just don’t see him being Nicholas’. I could see him being a child of Lawrence’s before that and the physical resemblance could also work.
Participantafter he chose her, I hope she stays far away from that guy. I think he also has his own agenda!
Participantcould this ‘change’ have been done around the 4th of July? Maybe the show was on vacation and by the time he returns, his hair will have grown back to a normal length? Therefore, no need to clear it with the Days staff as they won’t see a major change?
Participantfor this extreme? Maybe a military movie?
ParticipantEthan Crane/Winthrop and Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald on Passions. They married on the final show.
ParticipantStefano and Victor might not want to wear a swim suit or shorts. It’s an interesting comment and reminds me of a gentleman friend of a neighbor, when he visits even for a pool party, he is always in a suit and even wears a hat. It is a little unique but, whatever floats your boat. Maybe the men in question are more sensitive to cold? Do they have a/c in the studio?
Participantsomeone who is going to prison or trying to hide out from prison.
ParticipantI’d match her with Chris since they both took time off to spend with a special relative and they’re both from MA but have lived elsewhere. Roberto isn’t a bad choice either. I didn’t get what she saw in Frank! Supposedly, she said she was happy with her choice but that could mean that she chose neither I guess.
I have a poor track record in who they choose. The only one I picked was Trista and Ryan but I didn’t think she was going to pick him in the end but she did.
ParticipantTony was locked on that island for 15-20 years so how could he be the father except with Days’ time warps? Using some sense of time and logic: Chad could be EJ’s child as he went to law school somewhere and maybe he met Madeline and had a brief fling. He never saw her while they were in Salem, did he? Since Sami is old enough to have Will, EJ should be old enough to have had Chad. Maybe EJ’s first experience was with hooker Madeline? lol
ParticipantRoger Wilkes as sleezy type guy who was ripping off people.
Participanthelping Bo and Hope aiming at.
Participantshe is on the pills that are causing this. Abe is going to have to be pulled in before that can come out as he’s the only one that has heard about the warning for them. This isn’t a spoiler as it was shown when he talked about the pills with the doctor. It’s also a guess on my part that he will be drawn in as there is no other reason for him to need sleeping pills.
Participantwith Brady going to his "dark side" and the changes that were planned for his character? I’ll miss her.
Participantoff with Frank. She’s better off without Jake too! We never see everything so who knows. Frank’s former girlfriend didn’t see to think he was going to pick her either though until the end. I just don’t get why she’d let a camera crew in to watch what he had to say to her! I don’t think I would!