Forum Replies Created
Participantthat Philip is the father: Phil would be the kid’s father and brother-in-law? Melanie would be the step-mother and half-sister? Daniel would be the step-father and step-grandfather-in-law? Chloe would be the mother and step-grandmother-in-law?
Yikes, that settles it! This kid better be Chloe and Daniel’s! lol
Participantso even though they paid for them, I’m sure it wasn’t nearly as much as if they had hired them on a regular contract basis. The actors might have taken cuts for Frances’ memory too. We don’t really know what deals were made. It’s interesting the Fauxman, John, & Marlena aren’t there. The comments from many of those in SOD indicated that they were grateful to be invited to appear in honor of Alice/Frances. I believe Shane was the only one that said he wouldn’t appear just to be in a few funeral scenes. Melissa, Jennifer, Carrie, and Laura indicated that they weren’t doing much acting lately. Not sure on Bill or Marie. Mike is doing two other shows. I think Shane is between shows right now. If you’re not employed in acting, I’m sure that being offered a quick/even cheap gig is preferable to having nothing.
Participantbut some how I missed it.
Participantwas all over the entertainment news today. She was linked to some other guy but she claims that she wasn’t cheating. Some of the DWTS crew called her a ‘stalker" because she went wherever Jake went even when no other spouses/dates were around. Insecure??
Participantthat they need to schedule these ‘announcements during the regular news times – they certainly have enough of them on the regular channels! Why do they need to make these during the one lousy hour when Days is on???
They never interrupt the game shows, the sports shows, the talk shows or the regular news which happens to be on for hours at a time here! I would love to see Soap Net get a clue that we need them, we don’t need more pre-school shows. First off, watching TV isn’t good for young kids, any research out there will tell you that!
Participantwrong. I’m pretty sure it was "Maxwell Hathaway" not Maxfield or whatever he called him.
Participantif it was anyone BUT Carly! Carly being involved just points at a hidden agenda whether or not she has one. There is also the fact that not only is Daniel involved but so is his daughter’s husband.
June 20, 2010 at 11:17 am in reply to: I just don’t understand why people want Sami and EJ together… #13799SW
Participantsince he was responsible for her losing her ‘father’ to begin with, he was the one responsible for John coming into Marlena’s life, he was responsible for taking Marlena away from young Sami and leaving her to be raised by John (someone she never really believed was her father even though the others accepted him as Roman). Sami needed a good shrink and still does! I’d suggest Laura stick around for her or get someone new in. Plus, there are a bunch of other characters that could use their services! Sami has been looking for paternal type love in all of her relationships: Alan (she wanted him because he was older and interested in Carrie), Austin (same), Lucas (same), Brandon (he was older), Franco (?-more of the same), EJ (fatherly acting? ), and even Rafe (protector, like a father). I’m really surprised she didn’t want Mike when Carrie was interested in him!
Participantthat would make more sense that the thought was of Ethan, lol. Plus, Ethan was on the other show more years than Eric has been on this one.
Participantlike drug Laura to keep her in the asylum? I seem to remember that. Vivian was there at one point and found out what happened and they tried to give her a labotomy?
Participanton her! I don’t think they’d have time to change camera lenses everytime she spoke either.
Participantit was done for a good reason: to warn Ari about Nicole telling her first with her own spin on the situation. Wait til it comes out that Nicole had a role in it. lol
Participantthe "Dr. Mike" (Roark’s) eyes. They look a lot alike and with Jenn too.
Participantto her. Wait until she finds out that he was jailed with Shane by Stefano/Ej’s goons! Maybe that will make her wake-up to the evil ways of the Dimera family. I liked the Will conversation better with him being warned about Stefano and his familia.
ParticipantJulie’s son. In the 80s he had a 10-12 year old so that kid should have had grandchildren by now the way Days’ ages kids. And you’re totally right about Alice. Just think how old Doug should be by now? His daughter is in her late 40s-50s (she had Shawn who made her a grandmother). He’s older than Julie (we just figured out that she has a son who is even older than Hope as he was an adult with kids when Hope was a young teenager), who must be at least 80 given the aging. So is Doug around 90??
Of course this is a soap so the parents don’t rapidly age when their kids do, in fact, they seem to regress. Just look at Marlena. She had Sami when she was in her later 30s and Sami now has to be (16 having Will a 16 year old now=32), we’re looking at close to 70 for her but she sure didn’t look it!