Forum Replies Created
Participantshe’s perfect as an annoying gossip reporter!
Too bad Gabbi didn’t get her that drink and then get her in trouble for forcing a minor to procure alcohol for her!
Participantno way should she be working there much less all alone! When she confronted Nicole, there weren’t any other customers in the place. I guess they just didn’t want to have to have another ‘location’ so, "let’s us the pub for everything!"
Participantyou did read it correctly. Night Hope seems to know all but real Hope is clueless. I actually felt like she had become Princess Gina again with the whole way she was talking and acting. Maybe it’s just due to trying to be ‘a totally different person’ rather than actually reverting to Gina’s mentality?
ParticipantI hope the wedding is great! Try to relax and enjoy that wonderful time.
Participantand the info was that she was a hooker. I remembered another doll story where Kate used one to make Sami think she heard little Will calling her so she’d fall off a cliff or something like that and be killed without Kate or Lucas’ hands getting dirtied.
ParticipantHope is showing? Forgetfulness? lol
Participantopen? She loved being the rich, "Mrs. DiMera"! I wouldn’t be surprised if EJ were to ask her back into his life, she’d jump so fast you’d only see the dust. Plus, having been in prison, she doesn’t want to go back. She only got out by blackmailing Anna so she knows she could go back and never get out again even if it is EJ making up the lies. She hurt the Bradys by taking Sydney and then losing her – they are the Salem PD these days!
ParticipantEJ saved her. The guy was jealous of her and that EJ wanted to promote her into his place so he tried to kill her. When EJ saved her, he made sure the other guy went down for the drug dealing even though he tried to claim Ari was a narc working undercover. Roman was able to get her out of going back to jail because she had failed her mission. EJ never realized that she was working undercover.
I remember a crystals storyline that Stefano and Victor (any maybe someone else) were trying to get a hold of. The story took Bope to New Orleans. Sami and dolls? Maybe a Russian doll set that had nesting dolls? Not sure I remember anything more than that though.
Participantmaybe she only goes to the main board.
May 1, 2010 at 11:23 pm in reply to: What do we think is the connection between Chad’s mom and Kate? (eom) #12623SW
Participanta mother, Melanie would be Chad’s aunt and sister-in-law (Philip would be his half-sibling too). Gosh that would be another incestuous mess! lol
Participant"It takes a Village, and they don’t mean the Village of the Damned!"
May 1, 2010 at 8:48 pm in reply to: What do we think is the connection between Chad’s mom and Kate? (eom) #12620SW
ParticipantWasn’t Kate involved with Roman back then? Could it be that he’ll be Chad’s father? Or Victor? I can’t remember way back that far but I remember Roman helping her at one point. I don’t see Stefano as the father but Victor? Wasn’t he in the nursing home during that time? Oh, horrid thought- please don’t tell me that Nicky Alamain will be the father – lol!
Participanthe’ll hook up with her. That is guaranteed to make Sami dump EJ to get him back!
April 29, 2010 at 9:23 am in reply to: Any spoilers on the connection between Chad’s mom and Kate? (eom) #12546SW
Participantthen: first he graduated HS, then it seemed like he was 25, followed by some other things and now being married to an 19? year old, it seems he’s lost those extra years he gained following graduation. It could be that they will say the ‘baby’ was born when he was 19, remember this is the show that pays no attention to ages! Just remember that EJ should be younger than Will and Philip and that Will/Phil should be the same age. It’s totally weird when you’ve watched the show and know the order of things. SORASing changes everything for the characters.
April 28, 2010 at 9:21 pm in reply to: Any spoilers on the connection between Chad’s mom and Kate? (eom) #12528SW
ParticipantKate’s eggs? Just like the gemini twins (Rex and Cassie)? Chad could be the child of Stefano and Kate but carried by Madeline and DA Woods thinks he’s his son.
The other possibility is that Chad is Philip’s son (there was a child that Philip gave up) and Kate’s grandson. Philip had the child when he was like 18 so if Chad is 16 (I believe that’s about his age), Phil would only be 34 which is quite believable. He’s supposedly gone to war twice and was aged. Of course if you want to focus on Phil’s real age, he was born the same year as Will so he could be Chad’s twin based on the year he was born on screen. lol