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Participantdo that just like Stefano & Anna had Carrie under hypnosis when she was a child and first came on the the show. I could see a repeat of that same type story. Anything for a Dimera to get his way!
Participant1-5 days at most.
ParticipantNicole does to people but she’s not supposed to be a ‘good’ character, is she? I think those two working together could be entertaining for a while anyway. I don’t want Nicole to get Brady, she’s better with EJ and he deserves her!
Participantresponsible for the assaults convinced me that it isn’t going to happen. If it’s Hope, there’s no way she’s going to jail for it.
ParticipantI’m not sure if it just looks like they hacked it or what. For someone who is supposed to have money, use it to get a good hairdresser, Viv!
Participantpaternity. The last time her family appeared was when she thought Katherine was her mother but now we have "Patch" oops lol, Tucker. Having Stephanie Forrester would be a huge twist. Wonder who her father would be since it isn’t likely to be Eric.
Participantshe’s acting out just like Mommy! The box is a good guess. But, why is she hitting on people that she knows and supposedly likes? Well, except for the DA. I wonder how she’ll investigate herself? lol Also, with Shane coming on, I have to wonder what part he’ll play in this or is it the Dimeras that he’ll be hooked up with along with Rafe?
Participanton, her name is Julie Pinson and she’s married to Billy Warlock (ex-Frankie Brady) in real life.
ParticipantI am sure but I also don’t think he did what he usually does with his partners, the little ‘call and vote for us hand signal.’ If he didn’t it’s probably because he’s hoping to end that nightmare! I’m not crazy about Nicole, still haven’t decided who I’d like to see win though.
ParticipantI worked part time at the local hospital (kitchen dept as a teen) and you got out of the way the minute you heard the code as people from all over come running with "crash carts" etc. Guess Days’ writers never spent time at a hospital during that time. Just like their portrayal of the fire dept and police. Average citizens may help BEFORE the departments arrive but they are immediately kicked out once the official rescuers arrive. Drama frequently seems to transform into ‘stupidity’ when it comes to writing or maybe they just don’t want to hire the ‘extras’ to do the real jobs? It isn’t just Days though, I watch Y&R and when they had the explosion, the main characters were going in and out of the building more than the ‘extras’ (fire/police impersonators as they were all hanging outside of the building in protective gear)- very annoying in my opinion.
Participantsince he’s so tall (6’5"), it has to be hard to interact with the other actors who are much shorter. Melanie is tiny compared to him. Maybe he should spend time with EJ since he’s super tall too?
Participantjudge, could she be used by the DiMeras to get sole custody of Sydney and Johnny? I could see Stefano blackmailing her into ruling his way in any type of custody battle. Rafe would then have to save Sami and her kids by proving the corruption and EJ’s role in the Sydnapping.
This is just conjecture – no proof or spoiler!
Participantand he were a couple as they were flirting like crazy with each other. Nice gift though!
Participantor was that some kind of a joke on one of the morning shows?
Participanta while to figure out what it could do – lots more than the previous version but things were in different places with lots of drop-down menus. And, this is coming from a person who uses 5 different operating systems (3 Mac ones and 2 PC [an ancient Windows 98 and XP] between home and work). It’s really crazy at times as the software is frequently different even with the Macs.
Luckily, I know them fairly well but still can get frustrating when you try to do something on one that doesn’t work the way it does on the other.