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Participantad libs his lines or am I just imagining it? I seem to remember reading it in SOD or online where he does a lot of ad libbing and those in charge let him do it? I also think Ali S. said she has been able to do that more with the newer crew.
Participantguess she was 21.
Participantkidnapping case since he wasn’t around then! Or was he working for EJ helping with the kidnapping? He was only originally involved in the baby switch part, I thought?
Participantand seemed to have the hots for Billie. I’d say he was more Billie’s age and that they secretly aged Chloe and Phil (somewhat not so secretly) to around 30. I wouldn’t think at 30 that Chloe would be too young for Dr. Dan but at 25, when he now has a 21 yr old daughter, it’s a little strange. The soras’ing and de’sorasing on this show makes it very hard to figure anyone’s age. Phil and Will= same age/NOT! Will older than EJ- NOT! Nathan= where did he ever come from? lol Sami should be older than Brady but now they seem to have Brady older than Sami.
Participantby now he should be in his late 30s to 40s but that wouldn’t make any more sense than when they aged him the first time! lol
ParticipantDays’ stories are short in comparison! lol The Passions’ stories lasted years with no resolve. This kidnapping story has only started to drag now for me. I just feel like they were holding off to wait for Ari Z’s return.
ParticipantRafe, Mike Horton (Roark’s), Brady (Eric’s), Daniel, Tony, and Nathan.
Participantand while she is his daughter, it’s not like a situation where she’d have a child of his (not her’s) being shuttled back and forth between mother and father. Chloe may get cranky about him having a child and she can’t but she needs to remember, he didn’t have a real child to raise anymore than she can have one now.
Participantquite young. Carly (aka Princess Katerina) was only 18 or 17. I believe he was only a little older then. The sterility could have happened due to the illness or during one of the times while he was on the show and he got hit because of his evil ways. I seem to remember a time when his ‘compound’ came crumbling down and knocked out several people. I’m thinking he was there too.
Participantofficer so I doubt he’s out of work! I believe he also flies the helicopter for them but I could be wrong on that point. He’s been with them a long time so I suspect he has job security. I think she just is young enough to have the energy to cope with being in demand now. If I were in her shoes and had that energy, I’d be saving as much as possible as in acting, you never know when you’ll no longer be in the hot demand market. I’m also guessing she has a nanny to help with the kids.
Participantyou can have EJ and Philip (icky hair!).
Participantreally want to see the kids there same age! I had a student (teenage girl) but she was interested in Bo and Hope and John and Marlena, not the teen stories!
Nicole may have made up for her maternity leave ahead of time .
Participantget too close after his wife died but he did go out with a lot of them? Now we know he did a one nighter with Carly and if he did with her and Kate, I’m betting there were many others.
I don’t dislike Daniel but the writers make me wonder about him since he seems to bounce all around with the women of different ages. Chloe is older than Chelsea but Kate and Carly should be well up there in age! Kate’s first kids, Austin and Billie (since there ages seemed to flip flop depending on who was playing the role) have to be in their mid to upper 30s. Billie has a 24 year old at least and she had to have had her in her mid twenties. That makes her at the youngest, 40 something. Taking Kate’s age at say 20 when she had Billie would make her 60!
Carly, while she started out younger than Kate, has a 21 year old daughter and the son she had at 17 (I think that was how old she claimed to be when she had Nicholas and lost him the first time) came back several years ago as a late 20 year old – looked closer to 30 who also did it with Kate, so now he’d be at least 35 if not older. If Carly had him at 17 and you add 35, you’d get her at 52!
How old is Dr. Dan? You’ve got a guy here who has slept with 60 year olds, 50 year olds, and 25 (Chloe?) year olds! He definitely doesn’t age discriminate!
Participantthey can’t afford the actors they have so instead of trimming back, they dump fan faves and hire more actors. Save the money and dump: Carly, Lawrence’s ghost, Vivian, Kate, the new character that I heard they are bringing on, SD’s governor, and I’m sure I can think of some more dead wood to dispose of. Yup: nuWill, Mia, Chad, the teens they brought on for Will/Mia’s friends and sorry but Stephanie should go too!
Participantcame to Salem but it didn’t go anywhere. This robbing the cradle by Daniel is getting old fast!