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Participantwhile it did talk about Days, it had a lot of his early days in show business and things like that. I read it when it first came out so can’t totally recall all of it. I remember it did have some behind the scenes stuff from Days but a lot of other things to do with their relationship and work history.
I haven’t read Alison’s book.
January 10, 2010 at 6:50 pm in reply to: Ramifications of a Death Poss $$$ and a lot of speculation. #9460SW
Participantbut he sure isn’t 12! Neither are they having him will’s age or Philip’s age for that matter. Since Sami was 16 when Will was born and he’s 17 now, she should be about 33. She should be older than Philip but… this is Days! Phil is also supposed to be the same age as Will and EJ should be younger than her son- how funny would that one be!
Participanthis taking off the wedding ring and the comments about how many times he was gone lately? Are we going to find out he was with another woman, thus allowing Maggie to move on now? Any thoughts?
Participantdescribed and it was a series of the shows over the years. I remember finding them at a discount place but just when I was getting into them, the books seemed to end. Anyone else seen them? I’m talking back in the mid 1980s or late 80s.
ParticipantTony and Lexie opposed their father’s way most of the time. One time Lexie went with him and that was when the guy was killed at Stefano’s door and Sami saw the killer. So, what did Stefano (maybe EJ too) do? Tried to have her killed. Sorry, EJ spent too much time worshipping the ways of "Father" and therefore has taken on too many of his evil traits for him to be a permanent match for Sami as far as I am concerned.
I don’t dislike EJ, just don’t want him with Sami! They have too much bad history! Faking his daughter’s kidnapping is just plain horrible! He had Sydney in his life for a long time before he thought she wasn’t his blood and threw her out. Sami had her for a day or so? And, then he has her taken away so he can eventually pretend to be the hero and ransom her?
As to the actor, he does the job of evil well. The only thing I find hard to watch is the blinking he does and I think it may be that he is just sensitive to the studio lights or has dry eyes (not his fault).
Participantas to Carly freaking out in the elevator. The elevator is much like the coffin that she was buried in by Viviane. She couldn’t get out of the coffin that had been buried and she was left with little oxygen. It could cause a flashback freak-out (pts).
Just because she stabbed Lawrence and remained calm to me is more related to her being a doctor performing surgey with lots of blood and body parts – blood/life/death don’t really freak her out (she is a doctor who deals with it daily) in the same way as being stuck in an enclosed place would.
ParticipantI’d pick Rafe because she needs someone to help her mature and the way EJ has been acting, I want him in jail! Rafe loves Sami with all her warts (not that that gorgeous woman has any physical deformaties). He is able to focus her as no other guy has. While I enjoyed the story with EJ as his grandfather and Sami as Colleen, I don’t want them together permanently.
ParticipantMike or Bill or Laura or Sarah?? Bill and the other siblings should have been notified along with Mike who thought he was his father and Sarah (who is Maggie’s daughter that he adopted and raised)? I guess Alice didn’t deserve to be told either?
ParticipantMaybe that is how Nicole will get out of her jail sentence- EJ will be found guilty of the kidnapping and she’ll be let out early? This is Days after all! I’d love to see EJ land in jail for all he’s done. It was nice to hear the judge tell him the truth but not enough of a punishment. Maybe when this judge and Chad’s father find out that he knew where Sydney was the whole time, he’ll end up in jail for a while. Rafe being reinstated has to be for a good reason. I always felt like he might have been undercover for the FBI the whole time he was supposedly ‘fired.’ Just my guess but it could work!
Participantit will be interesting to see how old the actor playing the part is. The actor playing Chad is an older teen/20s and is really dating the actress playing Melanie. The actress playing Mia just had her 16th birthday which would make her much younger than the other two IF they replace Will with an older actor. I might speculate that she could be replaced by an older actress if she appears too young with those two. I see Chad as more mature than Will/Mia even though they are all supposed to be the same age.
Participantmaybe he’s behind the judge’s comments? He didn’t want Chad tied to Mia with a baby and was against Chad even trying to get his kid back. Maybe Nicole will just get a psych eval and therapy?
ParticipantDid anyone else wonder where Ciarra went to when Bo appeared at Maggie’s yesterday after supposedly picking up Ciarra at the K mansion? After picking up Ciarra, Bo’s next scene was at Maggie’s talking about Mickey! I’m thinking that they were pretaping a lot of scenes before Christmas break and when it got put together, no one seemed to notice that things didn’t make sense when people jumped all over town.
ParticipantRobin. Robin’s faith meant a lot to her and I seem to remember something about her not wanting to marry outside of her faith so he was converting for her and their son. Not sure he ever did. The funny thing at the time was Michael Weiss (Mike -who was really Jewish) was in the role while the actress playing Robin wasn’t Jewish.
ParticipantOut of character- Yes, for the last few years but not for the early years when we first were introduced to Anna.
Hurting Sami- Maybe she’s getting back at Sami for hurting her daughter, Carrie? She’s really hurting her ex- Fauxman too by taking his grandchild but she took his daughter away from him until she was 5 years old before so this could be normal for her.
Money Motive- I’m guessing when her business failed and Tony died, she was left with very little. Anna has always been into money/wealth. She dumped Roman to live the rich life.
Kidnapping a felony- Like many criminals, she doesn’t plan on getting caught. She doesn’t believe they will find her.
Sticking it to Stefano- Stefano has always been about family and spawn so yes, even though EJ is suffering too, she’s still sticking it to Stefano by taking away his grandchild. EJ also knew about Tony being on the island and did nothing to help so I’m sure she doesn’t care if she hurts him too.
She hasn’t seemed her self all the time.
January 5, 2010 at 9:02 pm in reply to: In your opinion, which was the worst story line ever in the history of “Days”? #9230SW
Participantjust weird! We had never heard of him before. When she was with Don, I’m surprised it didn’t come out.
I also remember hating it when they turned Evan Whyland into a bad guy.