Forum Replies Created
Participanther and feels that he needs to ‘save her from herself’ rather than loves her. I think the writers may be just messing with seeing if Ari and Brady don’t work, they can go to Nicole and Brady? Maybe Brady suffers from the ‘savior’ syndrome where he just has to save all the women? He needs to be there hero and he confuses it with being in love.
ParticipantJohn and Marlena would fill the patriarch and matriarch roles when Alice no longer could but when they were let go, it ended that possibility. In order for Maggie to have Mickey to rely on, they’d have to cast the role again. I guess it’s cheaper and easier to just say he’s on a constant business trip all the time. I have to say that sometimes I didn’t like Maggie’s attitude of sticking her nose into other people’s business. Hopefully that will change now that she seems to be the new matriarch.
ParticipantIs it me or did the main holidays stop being celebrated when the network(s) began to schedule ‘specials’ on the holidays? I noticed that Y&R did rerun shows from years ago on the holiday. Days wasn’t on at all- rerun or otherwise. It just seems that I remember the holiday specials being on on the holiday -then came the football. I’m obviously not a sports’ fan but it seems like even the cable company promotes the sports more than they do anything else.
I am also wondering if with Alice not being on as she used to, they are making "Maggie" the new Alice? She’s already got Alice’s bordering house.
Participantabout her child, she said that Lawrence made her give her child to some man. Well, that man could be Trent. Trent never cared about Melanie, he just used her for his own purposes. What better revenge for Lawrence than to know that Trent was using Carly’s kid?! Then, when he finds out Trent is no longer in the picture, he threatens to kill the girl. That would also leave the option of Daniel being the doctor or some other guy when they decide to bring him on. Trent did have a PhD but he was also very sleezy all along and Carly didn’t say the the girl was given to her father, just some man. I’m guessing the Carly showed Bo a baby photo of her child as I think Bo has seen both Melanie and Mia so he would know them.
ParticipantWould it help if s/he also deletes the bookmark for the old site and puts in a new one? I did that after re-registering. I’m on a Mac and in Safari 4, I don’t see all the posts until I log in. Then the threads appear. Dumping the cache also helps when sites have changed.
I take it you haven’t heard anything about the smileys not appearing?
ParticipantI’d love to see a spoilers board and the main board for discussing what has already aired. Thanks Jenn for whatever you decide!
ParticipantI saw it in the post until it appeared on the board and then it disappeared as you saw.
PS> I’m so glad you merged the boards, there are so many more posters to chat about Days with now. Plus, it sounds like more ‘lurkers’ are now taking the plunge and posting. Thanks!
ParticipantThat was a long time ago, I remember Frankie found him and was protecting him and brought him to the Brady’s where he was adopted. Frankie is Carly’s brother though. So that would make another connection between Carly and Melanie if Trent really was her father. The way he treated Melanie was never ‘father-like’ though. Melanie is in her 20s but how old is Daniel? Chloe is the same age as Philip but… Phil was aged and we really don’t know how old he is now.
Participantevery time I have put one in, it isn’t showing up. Any idea what I am doing wrong?
Participantwhat it was, maybe "meningitus?" She was a few months old. Enough time for Sami and Rafe to bond with her and suffer from her loss. Sami at first didn’t want EJ to realize he was her father so she left her at the convent and then told everyone she adopted her. EJ didn’t suspect that she was his and Sami’s child (not that she was). Ali S. and Galen G. did an incredible job during her death story. It was definitely Emmy nomination stuff. It was extremely emotional. When Nicole learned that the baby was very sick and not likely to make it she snuck Mia into the hospital to see her. Mia had become attached to her child due to spending time with Will. Nicole even told a nurse that Mia was the ‘mother’ which didn’t make a connection with Mia until recently.
ParticipantRafe spent a lot of time at the orphanage, not necessarily being an orphan living there. He indicated that the nuns put him on the right path. I guess it’s possible that the mother ‘gave him’ to the nuns to raise when she couldn’t control him. No mention of the father so I wonder if that means a bunch of different ‘fathers’ or as I tend to refer to them when they are around for the deed only: sperm donors.
I also wondered what mother would send her daughter to go find her brother/sister when she was leaving town to go visit her mother on a holiday no less?! That story sounded so contrived! What is really strange is that neither Rafe nor Arianna seemed to think it was strange that their mother did that with their sister. Maybe she isn’t a very responsible mother? More likely just a way for the writers to add a new character to the screen.
I think you’re right in the hooking up with Will or Chad.
Participantthat the writers can’t figure out who she has chemistry with. Maybe she doesn’t really have it with any of the guys on there now?
ParticipantDaniel as the father. I suppose it is possible but weird. How would Trent have gotten her then? Scary!
ParticipantI posted a long time ago on the old board that I felt it was going to be "Melanie" since they never mentioned her "mother" and she grew up in Europe. She’s older too – not by much but this is Days. lol I don’t even remember Nicholas being mentioned by Carly since her or Viviane’s return. I’m wondering if the writers realized that they have totally messed up with aging him way back so that it wouldn’t make sense now. If you weren’t watching when he came back on (having been SORASed to an almost 30 year old), he had an affair with Kate. If he was 30 then, about 20 years ago (given Days’ comments of late), then poor Carly would be almost 70 now! lol Of course, they could just forget about it and do what they did with Philip and EJ- forget they should be a teenager (Phil) and I think, younger than Will for EJ.
I love your idea of Lawrence not being the real one when she killed him. That would make a great twist. It’s amazing how many creative minds are on this board. Maybe Days’ heads should be looking here for story ideas.
ParticipantI agree it is going to take some getting used to.
One little thing I noticed though: if people post spoilers, it is very likely that people are going to see them as they will no longer be hidden like they used to be.