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  • in reply to: Sarah Horton AKA Renee DuMonde #58149

    But, what I’m getting at is that too much like when Will was
    let to believe that he was EJ, & Enos III’s Roger had brought
    up the Scooby-Doo gang can do a lot of tests to prove that he
    really is Will, & that Roger had brought up of Will learning
    that he really was Will, not EJ. You tell me do we need to see
    that with Sarah ?

    Think about it, Maggie would go ballistic once she finds out
    that her daughter believes she’s Anna’s worst nightmare.

    Then, the viewers today that are watching this now may
    have no knowledge of Renee Du Monde, now do they?

    in reply to: Different Storylines #58145

    Could it be that Ted is Leo’s father?

    Ted may have gotten a flesh wound from Tony.

    Rolf learned that Ted was an alias that his
    real name is Richard Cooper.

    Diana may have believed that Leo had murdered
    his father.

    She & Ted have a history with each other.

    Under Ted’s new alias fell in love with Craig who
    cared for Ted’s flesh wound.

    The reason is so they can play up the terrors that
    Leo suffered from Richard Cooper, he could form a
    brotherhood with Will & Sonny, therefore, they
    can play up of Brady, Chloe, Nancy, Sonny & Will
    would learn as to who Craig’s new paramour is.

    It flies, right ?

    in reply to: Different Storylines #58143
    in reply to: Different Storylines #58139

    I would rather see for the second time how beautifully & how magnificently played the whole story is. I don’t want to see the romance between Craig & Nancy, the reason being is because it hinders & downplays the groundbreaking story.

    Remember, they did put it out there that this story is a groundbreaking story. So should it be quashed just so Craig go back into the closet, so Nancy wouldn’t have to face this or Chloe for that matter & pushing BradIcole together, or have Craig get what’s coming to him just because of what he did to his wife once he learns as to what his paramour’s history is ?

    First: This show had put out the best story ever, the story that they had covered was Will’s comimg out story, it was magnificently done. the show had gotten GLAAD Awards for the depiction of it. Then, they got it the second time around by playing up the wedding, then the third time when they played out the show’s first gay triangle.

    Now’s there chance to do that again. By playing up Craig’s romance, he finally coming out to his wife, his daughter & they need to not make it about themselves & loathing & despising as to what he had done, he finally found his Will Horton & the writers want to give him the shaft & not have that all, they need to destroy that just so they put BradIcole together & get rid of Craig living his truth, finally getting a chance to have some one to grow old with.

    You tell me with what Will & Sonny had given the show, why don’t they want any of that?

    I know that soaps are soaps & they play up the drama & the suspense, but they did with Will & Sonny & what they went through, why not do that for Craig & Leo instead of giving Craig the shaft all because he cheated on his wife>?

    in reply to: Different Storylines #58137

    My question is this: It doesn’t matter if it’s about shock or not. What matters is that it was written for it to be a groundbreaking story. Look at how Patrika’s Nancy is handling this, Bjorlin’s Chloe, how she’s reacting to this, & Martsolf’s Brady & him seeing how broken Chloe is, her venting of how she’s hating her father for this. That’s what matters, not the endgame couple the writers want or not. That’s what I’m getting at.

    I can’t see the need to shock to expose as to who Craig’s paramour or not. It shouldn’t matter as to who it is: If it’s Leo or a re-casted Paul, what matters is that they can’t just throw the story away & disregarding what the actors put all of their work into.

    The main reason for this ground-breaking story is because of how long Will & Sonny had been gone for. Yes, granted Will & Sonny are coming back, but still, they are now married to each other & we have seen their romance.

    Now we get to see the romance again, Craig finally finding his Sonny to his Will. We get a chance to see their love blossom, that Craig gets a chance to be Henry Higgins from May Fair Lady & seeing if Leo turns into Matthew Elias Doolittle Cooper.

    Remember, this show has been getting extreme backlash because we aren’t seeing any romance whatsoever, now we have a chance to see that, so why the need to get rid of it to put the endgame couple into play that the writers want ?

    in reply to: Different Storylines #58134

    I get that the end game for the writers are Brady & Chloe, I get that. Remember this: When it comes to Soaps anything is fair game, meaning, that anything can happen, & that anything is most likely to happen & in ways that are disastrous, are they not?

    So my question is this why have the viewers see the end game, meaning, Chloe & Brady coming to join together as one & then put in what’s disastrous that that would end them.

    Remember: Look at what Johnny is doing, it’s 40 minutes of DeMiraSatan, he just learned that his sister had sexual relations with his wife.

    Do you really think that won’t go there for Chloe & Brady, when soaps have a history of playing that up to the hilt for the drama & suspense & in ways they don’t see coming.

    Especially when this story involves Craig, & his groundbreaking story, why diminish that just for the writers to put their endgame into play?

    It makes it look like that they don’t care at all of the story that is Craig’s groundbreaking story, all they care is their end game couple.

    Don’t you think that Craig’s groundbreaking story should triumph the writer’s end game couple?

    Think of this way: Chloe’s millions of sexual romps ended her relationship with Lucas, do we need to see Brady learning of her infidelities, given that she had them when she was with Lucas, who’s to say she will stay faithful to Brady, given her history is being thrown in her face, given that her daddy cheated on her mother with another man.

    in reply to: Different Storylines #58131

    This pertains to Craig: It doesn’t matter if it’s over-done or not very imaginative. What matters is that it’s all about coming out late in life. Craig gets to see how this shatters Nancy, his daughter & Brady seeing how Chloe is handling this, doesn’t it?

    When & if they play up as to who Craig’s paramour is will destroy Brady & Chloe in being with each other.

    Let’s say this paramour of Craig’s is Leo. Chloe is no Helen Keller, she would have known as to what Leo did to Brady & his family’s business, now wouldn’t she?

    Let’s say this paramour ends up being a re-casted Paul, this will also end any chance of Brady & Chloe. This is where I’m playng Devil’s Advocate, let’s say that this paramour is Paul, & he & Craig marry, that would make Chloe, Brady’s niece because Paul’s new husband is Chloe’s father, right?

    This is too reminiscent of what happened with Paul, Sonny & Will: What I mean is that Sonny never gotten over Will, that he never fallen out of love with Will. Yes, Will cheated on Sonny with Paul, the main reason as to why Sonny wanted to marry Paul, is because it was like welcoming Will into his marriage bed, because as to who Will had slept with, by marrying Paul, is like welcoming Will into his bed with, given as to who he had slept with.

    in reply to: Possession Redux #58119

    What makes anyone think that pairing is the gospel truth? Think about it, With Rikaart’s portrayal of Leo, do you really think, that he’s capable of loving Craig the way that Craig loves him?

    Think about it this way, with Craig being a doctor, Paul being a former baseball player & that Paul was in a wheelchair when he left Salem, Leo is very much like Jack MacFarland of Will & Grace, toooo extremely queenly, do you really think that Craig would very much accepting of that?

    in reply to: Possession Redux #58117

    So the question is this, if he is Leo, meaning, Craig’s lover, & Craig learns of what Leo had done, once Brady brings up Leo’s history, then where would it go, once Craig learning of what Leo had done, can you really seeing him defending Leo, once he learns as to what Leo had done to his grandson, remember, his daughter was Will’s step-mom, wasn’t she, given that she was once married to Will’s father?

    in reply to: Possession Redux #58114

    Think about it this way: When I had gotten an issue of Soap Opera Digest a time ago, they had put it out there of Greg Rikaart’s return to Days of Our Lives, & wasn’t the one on NBC, it was for the Christmas film A Very Brady Christmas. So I can’t see Craig’s paramour being Leo.

    Then there’s this: Craig may not have known as to what Leo had done to Will, but, I can’t see Craig being sexually attracted to Leo, much less sleeping with him, given the way the NBC soap depicted Leo, meaning, the old adagio, a leopard can’t change his spots, meaning, I can’t see that Craig would stand for that coming from anyone, much less it coming from Leo, now can you?

    in reply to: Possession Redux #58112

    I don’t think that Craig’s paramour is Leo. First off is this: Not once are we seeing as to how Leo would have known about Craig. Also, there’s this: At one time, Craig’s son-in-law was Lucas, yes, granted, he’s no longer married to Chloe, but still, at one time he was, therefore, making Will, Craig’s grandson, wouldn’t you think he would know as to what Leo had put Will through, so you tell me, do you really think that if there’s a chance of Craig learning at what Leo had done to Lucas’ son, that he would fall for much less sleep with Will’s torturer?

    in reply to: Possession Redux #58110

    And what’s worse is that once Johnny’s exorcism takes place, is that Satan is going to jump into another person & turns Days Of Our Lives in the Murray Film, Groundhog’s Day, you tell me as to why to keep this trope going on & on & on & on & on, when it will drive the ratings to it’s ultimate lowest ever, given how many times we are seeing exorcism after exorcisim after exorcism, don’t you think ?

    The next question that I have is also two-fold: I understand the relationship between ChloRady & it will drive them even further to each other, when Brady, Chloe & Nancy ends up meeting who Craig is sleeping with, the question is this: This is how I would write this: The lover ends up bringing up: ” I know who you are, Brady, I know about your brother, & who had cheated on his husband with, & how you kept throwing it in Sonny’s face, also bringing it up he’s just not that into you, you tell me is it a wise move for you to end up meeting me.” end quote.

    What I’m getting at is that, this involves the Wesley Family, Chloe, Craig & Nancy & them dealing with this on their own, you tell me as to why Brady should interfere in any of this, given how he was with Sonny when Will had no memory & him forming a romance with Paul?

    This another off-topic: This involves what Trask has on Rafe that prompted his arrest, you tell me as to why Belle & E.J. don’t know about any of this, when this could be used to launch a victory for E.J., meaning, what Trask has on Rafe, would deem E.J.’s arrest & the judge’s verdict be reversed, now wouldn’t it?

    in reply to: Possession Redux #58107

    But, what I’m getting at is that they ended one possession, there was a need for it, then they put the possession into motion, yet again, they had the exorcism, so there was a need to end that, once the exorcism was done, so why allow more carnage & put the soap Passions into this one by allowing Johnny’s carnage with Satan being in him?

    Then, with TR demanding the movie of Marlena’s possession to be put into play, then why allow EJ in prison for kidnapping Sami?

    Think about it: With what Rafe is facing, wouldn’t that have EJ’s arrest & the Judge’s decision & the sentencing to be overturned, given as to who’s playing John Black in Johnny’s movie that TR is demanding to put back into play?

    in reply to: A Very Salem Christmas thoughts #58103

    Why was there any need for Chad, Sonny & Will to be in drag yet again?

    There’s no story for it, now is there?

    The question that I have is that with the Horton Square being saved, why was there a need to plow it down yet again to have the Santa Strip Show to end up saving it?

    in reply to: Johnny’s Movie #58101

    I’m not trying to make logic out of illogical time lines. I’m bringing up characters that weren’t even in existence.

    Like Gwen, Lyn Bauer’s Laura had brought up that Tiffany showed up 30 years ago & brings up an 8 year old daughter, two years before O’Brien’s birth!!!!!!

    Then they mirror Adrienne’s rape with Bonnie, with her sister-in-law’s husband, Harrison Lord, there was no Harrison Lord at all, much less Calista Lockhart, because their names are mash-ups of Harrison Ford & Calista Flockhart & we are suppose to believe that Calista’s husband tried to rape Bonnie ?

    The same with the family secret that had Tamara breaking the family pact, long before the viewers had heard of it from Paulina & Olivia Price & when she did that, there was no Lani for that matter, much less Jackee’s Paulina or her mother, Oliva Price played by Marla Gibbs, now was there?

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