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ParticipantI can understand how, although her novel has nothing to do with Days or Sami, she can get frustrated with the writing of the show, just like we do. I know I can watch an episode or storyline and rewrite it in my head. Maybe this is her outlet for writing a storyline the way she WOULD write it if she had control, and this novel gives her the control. I would write one if I could get it published and publicized, too!
ParticipantAnd I think they ruin anyone’s appearance. If someone has it done, all I can do is look at their upper lip. Don’t people know that your upper lip is naturally smaller than your bottom?
ParticipantI don’t really care to see EJ reformed. I hope he rots in his own misery. I hope that Taylor finally sees him for what he is and leaves, and then any desire he had to reform would be gone. I would love to see a show-down with EJ/Stephano and Chad/John. And if the Dimeras realized the Brady was the one who beat EJ, I’m sure John will be doing battle with them.
ParticipantI thought she and Nick rode off into the sunset together. I don’t remember anything about her and Frankie. And yes, she ended up being Shane Donovan’s daughter.
ParticipantIf they want some real drama, why not deconstruct Chloe, and have her go back to her Ghoul Girl days in foster care. Have her go through real self examination and therapy (Marlena’s coming!) to dig up the beginnings of her self-destructiveness and lack of self worth. They could really show that even though she turned into a beautiful swan, she always felt like the unwanted duckling. If they really listen to the fans, they could have Chloe sharing how she feels the need to always be made up glamorous 24-7! She could follow in the footsteps of Maggie, and become a strong woman of substance. I wouldn’t even mind her doing some of this with Brady, looking at what happened to their marriage, maybe even reuniting. I know there are a lot of Dan/Chloe and Nicole/Brady fans, but Brady and Chloe might be nice. They could just really take advantage and dig deep with Chloe, if they would put in the effort.
ParticipantSaw a "news" talk show, and a forensic psychologist said that abuse could have caused her detachment, self-centeredness and other behaviors. I think her narcissism is from being a spoiled brat her entire life. I don’t see fear in any of her actions or interactions with her brother and parents, just an attitude of entitlement. I haven’t seen a lot of the coverage, but as far as I know, the family hasn’t spoken out against the allegations. I guess they are torn between saving his reputation or their daughter from death row. I think she has manipulated them once again. They also had Alan Dershowitz on, saying that her conviction would eventually be overturned because the cop who drove her to look for the "babysitter" didn’t mirandize her before carrying on a conversation with her in the police car. Unbelievable. It’s the "legal" system, not the "justice" system.
ParticipantDeeLan, when I had my first baby, I did research into midwives, since I had friends in other states who were happy with their midwife experiences. I didn’t find any in my area, but I did find out that different states have different regulations regarding midwives. In some states, you must first be a nurse practioner to be a licensed midwive, able to deliver babies in a hospital.
ParticipantShe might be a little redeemable if she turns against EJ and joins forces with Nicole to take him down. Maybe after they realize that he created FrankenRafe, and caused their mother’s death, they will focus their energies on destroying the Dimeras. Maybe Sami will grant her some access to the kids so that she can provide evidence they held Rafe in the basement, and she won’t have to protect EJ to be with the kids. It would be nice to see an army of Salem’s "high-spirited" women go after the snake!
ParticipantThey have probably decided that she needs to be a doctor, like her parents. Since she’s a nurse practitioner, they will probably let her go to med school for one semester so that she can be an MD in six months.
ParticipantShe’s supposed to be younger than Nicole, but she always looks so gray and dull, which really ages her. If they want her to look younger on screen, it looks like they would really try to warm her up with some bronzer and some color. She needs dewy and glowing. The stylists on the show really could do so much more with her.
Participantbecause I’ve been nauseated by Lexi’s behavior. Even if she thinks Taylor would be a much better influence on her brother, it is reprehensible to encourage adultery. And if she adores innocent little Taylor so much, why would she want to stick her with her morally corrupt brother, whom she KNOWS has done yet something else that could send him to prison for life. She needs to keep her trap shut!
ParticipantI was thinking about the contrast with the younger crowd yesterday, too, Bonbon, and I was just thinking how much more INTERESTING these characters are than the teens. I actually don’t mind the conflicts going on between them right now. Once they are happily ever after, couples tend to get boring, and I think their problems are believable. I would not like for them to be kept apart because of some sci-fi, contrived plot, but the things they are dealing with are genuine differences between their personalities and the histories they have with other characters and relationships. Their dialog is believable, and I think the angst they are going through will make it sweeter when they do get together. I, and I’m sure everyone else, just hope they don’t drag it out TOO long, as is their tendency on Days. I also got a kick out of Victor rushing over to Maggie’s because she had "come to her senses"! They are just a pleasure to watch.
ParticipantAbby just jumped to the conclusion that Dan moved too fast, and that caused Jen’s hives (or whatever it was)?? How silly to make that assumption, then to think it could cause an allergic reaction, and then to jump on Mel with the accusation that her dad made the move on Jennifer!! Huh????? Abby is not shaping up to be very likable. If I remember the last Abby correctly, she was very sweet, but this incarnation of Abby has a major vixen/villain aura about her.
ParticipantAs far as we know, Cassie is still upstairs at the Brady Pub! Oh, wait! Cassie who? Kate talks about Billie and Austin growing up without her, but I guess Rex and Cassie just never existed! (Can’t say I blame anyone for trying to forget THAT storyline!)
Participantbefore these stories began?