Forum Replies Created
ParticipantI’ve had close relationships with gay folks for most of my adult life, but I also believe that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God, so I do have moral convictions that come into play. But I believe in live and let live. Moral issues are between the individual and God. That being said, I don’t try to ram my convictions down anyone’s throat, so I’m tired of those who want to force everyone to accept homosexuality ramming down everyone’s throat. Every TV show, at least on prime time, seems compelled to include storylines of that nature. I also agree with others that I don’t want to see the heterosexual couples getting down and dirty either. The romance movies that kept the clothes on really were more romantic (even though most were before my time!). I see the current soft porn norm to be voyeurism. If you walked by someone’s house, and they were having sex with the blinds open, would you stop and watch? It’s the same to me! I have no more desire to watch "Sami" & "Rafe" do the deed than to peek in my neighbors’ window to watch them. I think the writers try to substitute titillation for interesting plot and good dialog.
ParticipantIt would still be a bit of a conflict with Nicole, since she has always had a thing for Brady. Taylor could help pull him out of the pit he’s in, then she would have the good-guy Brady, while he was only interested in Nicole when he was on the dark side. Then Niclole would have to deal once again with goody-two shoes Taylor getting everything that Nicole wants. This is would be more interesting to me than a Taylor/EJ/Nicole triangle. Plus, Brady’s just testing his bad-boy side, which could be attractive to Taylor, but she’s too good for someone who’s truly evil, like EJ. That’s okay for Nicole! Haha!
ParticipantYes, this is a big improvement for someone who’s supposed to be suffering from depression, post-partum or not. The silly thing that I couldn’t get past was that Chloe left the oven on while she was baking cookies. ????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First of all, I don’t see her baking or eating a lot of cookies. Secondly, Parker’s too young to eat them. Lastly, anyone suffering from PPD and trying to adjust to the demands of a newborn would never have the time, inclination, or motivation to bake cookies! Trust me, been there, got the T-shirt. The same thing with baking lasagna the day she got back from the hospital. The first couple of weeks, it’s take-out and punching meal tickets (our neighborhood term for the meals taken to new moms and the sick!). For the first time in a long time, I’m feeling some sympathy for Chloe, who is finally starting to seem real. I actually didn’t mind her with Brady the other day, especially the new, complex Brady.
ParticipantYou know that if you are Daniel’s patient, he will hit on you at some point! And who wouldn’t mind that from cutie Dr. Dan?!
ParticipantEj is just too evil for anyone else, especially Taylor. I think that they are the two most complex characters on the show, and they both are bad enough not to judge the other. Nicole really is trying to be good and just have a happy family life, and she softens EJ a little. I wish they would leave Taylor out of the mix, and let them fall completely back in love. Then Nicole could find out about Rafe and be torn between loyalty to EJ and trying to be a decent person. She really is the best "Dimera" in that house, though, and I don’t understand why Stefano hates her so much. He, after all, went along with her plan about Sydney and thought it best. She is the one who saved his life and empire when Victor was holding him captive, while EJ was ready to sign everything over. You would think that they would recognize her as truly being one of their own.
Bonbon, I can see why your son would say that Ali is fat, since she doesn’t fit the mold of the anorexic amazons on the runways and magazines today. She has the fuller, curvier look of the pin-up models of the 40’s and 50’s. She always looks glowing and gorgeous, though. Especially on The Biggest Loser. They have better stylists on that show, and my husband and I always discuss her different looks each episode. Has anyone else ever noticed that they NEVER repeat her hairstyle on that show? I don’t know how they can come up with so many different looks, but she’s always gorgeous!
ParticipantIf there is not consent, then it’s rape. She consented to sleeping with her husband, not a strange man. I think this is a little like getting someone sloppy drunk, then taking advantage. But much worse.
ParticipantI think the audience would have more tolerance for far-fetched plots if the writer’s didn’t try to MILK them so much. They just can’t seem to wrap it up before everyone completely loses interest. Maybe if we all did story outlines for a year’s worth of Days and sent them in, they could gather enough ideas for what to do next and get some story lines wrapped up.
Participantif you have HD, and it is not appearing in full screen, you should be able to adjust it. We were having trouble and had to go into Zoom and such every time we changed a channel. We had to have DirectTV come out to install a new receiver, and I asked the technician about it. He said, "Oh, that’s easy to fix", and went into the settings and adjusted one little thing. Now the screen automatically adjusts, and it’s perfect every time. I just wish I could remember what he did! If you have satellite, you can probably call customer service and have them talk you through it.
ParticipantI lived in Hungary for a year shortly after the fall of communism, and that time was such a reality check to what communism & socialism really do to a country and to individuals. Most people there despised the Soviets and Communism, so you would think that Soros wouldn’t want to promote something that was so devastating to his own country. I know that it’s not pure communism that he’s promoting, but socialism is just Communism-Lite. I really don’t appreciate that he comes here and uses his capitalism-acquired money to try and screw up our country.
ParticipantIf she can convince Chad to move into the Dimansion and give Stefano a chance, he would take her back.
ParticipantI hope they continue to explore Stefano’s complex relationships, and that they don’t return him to a caricature. I also hope that this is the beginning of a truce between EJ and Sami, and that the EJ storyline shifts to a feud/power struggle with Chad. I would love for Chad to become Stefano’s golden boy and to watch it eat EJ up! I’m looking forward to EJ and Nicole, and what happens when her sister shows up. I hope that Chad doesn’t turn to the dark side, but that we see him trying to maintain his integrity while becoming a Dimera. There is just so much potential for good, complex story lines to replace the EJ/Sami shouting matches. Throw Kate into the Dimansion drama (never thought I’d be a Kate fan- another Kudos to the writers!), and we could have some good shows ahead! Please rise to the challenge, writers!
January 15, 2011 at 6:11 pm in reply to: Another hit outta the ball park today writers!!! Way to go! #20092zsuzsa
ParticipantI’m as quick as anyone to jump on the writers when they give us stupid garbage, but I need to give them credit when credit is due, as well. Days was sooooo bad during the JER days, and I finally quit watching altogether during the Dr. North storyline. I just couldn’t take it any more. I would check into Salem Place and Prevuze occasionally, and when I saw that there were new writers, and things sounded better, I started tuning in. Even though things still plod along a little too long, it’s lightning speed compared to those days, when single conversations would last for weeks, and long, drawn out plots would be dropped after months of development. I think there’s room for improvement, but I actually look forward to, and enjoy, the show for the most part. They’ve had a lot more comedy, with great lines, and it’s been especially good this week, so KUDOS to the writers!
Participantthat there is at least one "Producer’s Pick" that the bachelor (or bachelorette) must include for a minimum number of elimination rounds. The most hated contestants are always chosen much longer than they should be, and I think the producers require them to stay on as long as possible for the drama (ratings). By the way, I’ve never checked out the Brady Pub before!
ParticipantThey replace actors all of the time, and they don’t have to use such convoluted stories to cover for it. We out here in TV land do understand, after all, that they are just actors. And it seemed even less necessary since it was the actor most connected to the role returning. I remember thinking that if they ever decided to use flashbacks, the silly face transplant wouldn’t make sense, since it would be Jay in the flashbacks. Now, here they are using flashbacks, so I guess they’ve forgotten (and we’re supposed to, too!) about the new face!