Forum Replies Created
Participantyou always write exactly what I’m thinking! You must be one cool chick!
ParticipantI actually am really enjoying Days. Sure, there are things that make me want to pull my hair out, but then I think back to the lowest point of the JER days a few years ago, and I realize what a vast improvement this is. We complain about it being slow, but they spent an entire month on Valentine’s Day one year. I quit watching for a while after that “Day”. I will never forget that they spent DAYS with Shawn, Belle, and Phillip standing in the doorway of the loft, waiting for Belle to answer who she was in love with. Meanwhile, Bope (or was it Billie?) and J&M were flying back and forth to Europe several times, while those kids were having the same 5 minute conversation. “Tell us Belle”, “OK, I will”. Commercial. Flashback. “Are you going to tell us Belle?”. “Yes! I am!”. Commercial. Flashback…….day after day. I feel like I’m at the Daytona Raceway compared to that garbage! So, I’m just thankful that I enjoy Days again!
ParticipantEven burning the lasagna was silly. Who makes a big dinner a couple of days after coming home with their first child? Why aren’t Caroline and others showing up with food? Come on!
ParticipantShe will probably be hailed a hero for uncovering the whole organ theft ring, and a pardon will be her reward. Since her slate will be wiped clean, she probably will return to the SPD, ASAP.
ParticipantNothing was revealed on the show, so I won’t share. If you are interested, go to the Annex.
ParticipantI forgot to mention that. It was so obvious, with the camera angle showing the side of Phillip’s face with his dimple being very prominent! I would not mind Chloe and Phillip together. I think it could be really sweet, with some well place flashbacks thrown in. I think she has more chemistry with Phil, even though she and Dan do make a beautiful couple! Then little Parker could have an intact family with both of his parents.
ParticipantI think when Daniel overhears that Phil cheated on Melanie, he will think it’s this woman, and he won’t start grilling him about who it is. It would be too easy for Dan to confront Phil, and then for Phil to confess he cheated with Chloe. We have to draaaaaaaaaaaag it out as long as we can! I do like Bono’s scenario, and I hope it does play out that way. And yes, Bono, I think you should get a pay raise. Maybe they will pay you double what you’re getting now!!
ParticipantPlease bring back our perfect Anit-Supercouple! They really were very good at being bad together.
Participantbut I read somewhere that they are engaged now.
ParticipantShe has always been my most hated character. EJ I love to hate, Nicole is likably complicated, and I’ve never understood why I cheer for Sami
, but I’ve always just hated Kate. She never had her own storylines, just trying to sabotage and kill the love interests of her children. But since she has been married to Stefano, she has become much more interesting. All of her relationships have become more complicated, and trying to figure out if loves Stefano or hates him, while watching her trying to navigate life in Dimansion, has made Kate much more enjoyable for me to watch. Talking about having two of her children taken away made her more human. I hope that she and Stefano stay together – they are the perfect match made in hell! If she works with Sami and Rafe to bring down EJ, I could really grow to like her!
ParticipantWhile everyone has suffered from SORAS, Will developed the opposite problem – Soap Opera Perpetual High School Syndrome. When the old, goofy dark headed Will, who ended up going to Switzerland, was on the show, he was in high school forever. Then he went to high school in Switzerland for a while. Then we’ve gone through two (?) more Will’s, and he’s still in high school! I don’t understand why they didn’t just let him, and Gabby for that matter, graduate with Chad and start at Salem U. It would make more sense that he’s never in school if he had a college class schedule. He needs to catch the SORAS virus!
ParticipantI’m from Mt. Sterling, about 35 mi. east of Lexington, and spent most of my time after high school in and around Lexington (part of it at U. of KY). My best friend lived in Somerset (Nancy) for a few years right after college, and I used to spend a lot of weekends down there. KY is so beautiful, especially in the fall, and I do miss it, but I’ve been on the Gulf Coast for 10 yrs. and don’t think I could take the winters anymore!
ParticipantI thought she was really getting scared that he was so consumed with revenging the shooting of EJ that he would discover her role in it. I seem to remember her saying that it would be a good time for him to find out about Chad.
Participantsupposed to have massive damage to her organs from the accident, at least her heart and lungs? And DeeLan, is it absurd, as it seemed to me, that her cardiac episode would have damaged her lungs enough to kill her? I’m not a medical professional, but that seemed silly.