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Participant.. he will use it to blackmail her concerning the custody of the children?
And Bono you accidentally attached "semi" when you called EJ "evil"!!
ParticipantIt’s the fact that they are so different that makes it so entertaining. Usually when two "good" characters get together, it instantly becomes boring. The friction between Maggie’s goodness and Victor’s dark side is creating wonderful chemistry, and I can see it providing story lines for a long time to come.
ParticipantThe writers have been wise to give this wonderful actor a more substantial role. Same goes for the other veterans. They tend to be so much more interesting than the teeny-boppers.
ParticipantI love that they are actually involving the senior members in the thick of the storylines (romance, murder plots, etc.) and not just using them as set decorations (and babysitters!) like they have for so long. They are wonderful actors and characters, and it’s nice to involve more than the usual few players in the main story lines. I’m actually proud of the writers!
ParticipantCool! Is it a novel, or more of a memoir from the show?
ParticipantDid they end up with some kind of temporary insanity plea? I thought the whole sleep medication thing was supposed to be a bigger factor in her trial.
ParticipantI’ve thought the same thing! She is definitely not the tough, tom-boy type!
ParticipantThis is the day I’ve been WAITING for!!!
ParticipantIs she leaving the show? Is this new news? Anybody know why?
ParticipantThat was so long ago, I would never have remembered him.
ParticipantI thought when she returned for Shawn’s funeral, which wasn’t all that long ago, that they talked about her significant other (husband?) back in California. Does anyone else remember this? I wasn’t watching the show when Shane and Kimberly left, so I thought this was common knowledge/show history. Can anyone help me with this? Has there been no mention of what happened to this guy?
ParticipantAlmost all of the next generation of Hortons ARE Bradys. Allie, Will, and Ciera are half Brady/Horton. Nathan is the only one who isn’t a Brady as well. Essentially, the two core families have merged.
May 10, 2010 at 7:15 pm in reply to: Methinks there’s a romance blooming between Maggie and Victor. #12837zsuzsa
ParticipantI actually would prefer a Maggie/Victor pairing over a Caroline/Victor pairing. It’s been so long since they’ve shown Caroline and Victor together, and Caroling just seems too blue collar for Victor. Maggie and Victor both have a lot of flair and upper society savy, and it would be fun to see Maggie try to tame the bad in Victor while he helps her through her illness.
ParticipantThe Midol commercial was like the little obvious ads on The Biggest Loser. Since the show has had money problems, maybe Ali suggested it as a revenue booster. I really like the new Will, and the exchange with Chad was good. I loved the discussion he had with Sami. He’s right on the money. Sami said that she and Will grew up together, but I think one of the got stuck, and it wasn’t Will!
ParticipantThe dropping of storylines has improved since JER left, but they really dropped the ball on this one. It drives me crazy!